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Showing posts from August, 2009

How to Get Approved for Some Commission Junction Advertisers When You Keep Getting Denied for Affiliate Program Advertisers...

How to Get Approved for Some Commission Junction Advertisers When You Keep Getting Denied for Affiliate Program Advertisers... One thing that's frustrating after signing up with lots of hope with the advertisers making the most money for their affiliates in Commission Junction and other affiliate programs -- you know, the ones with the longest green bars of network earnings with high $s in their 3-Month and 7-Day EPC (USD) columns, whatever that means, but I remember it's about who's making money -- the most frustrating thing is when we go thru and apply to lots of these programs, wait for days and then find out we're denied. How I got approved to some Commission Junction advertisers after getting denied... Get more authority with an LLC or other corporation... I incorporated my writing business with The Company Corporation earlier this year in hopes of saving on my tax bill next year (all fingers crossed in the prayer position) and then I proceeded to... Open a new af...

500 Hats, $5,000 to Save a Home from Foreclosure...

500 Hats, $5,000 to Save a Home from Foreclosure... Update: The 500 Hats selling idea has been able to keep the "home foreclosure wolves at bay" for another 30 days ...let's keep praying for her house to be saved and paid off -- along with all of our homes! Something told me to check the Squiddo lens of the day email that popped up in my AOL mail today. Glad I did. That's how I found out about the woman knitting hats and selling them for $10 a pop -- working toward selling 500 of them to get the $5,000 her financial institution requires to keep her home out of foreclosure. The hats look warm and toasty from the pics on her Squiddo page -- and I really love that Bette Holleman gives people the option of donating their hat to the homeless at Modesto Gospel Mission I love these stories. Just like the woman who started cooking "Mortgage Apple Cakes" and sold tons of them a $40 a pop to save her home from foreclosure that got picked up by the news: ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–· Mortga...

Starting a New Website? Here's a Checklist on Getting Traffic and More Visitors to Your New Website

I've gotten a hankering to start another website -- detailing the best, top-selling products online in 2009 and beyond -- and I thought it would be great to finally build up a post and detail the process I go thru to start a new website and get traffic to it. #1 Choose an excellent domain na me ... by doing a bulk domain name search on against well-searched for terms. I love using GoDaddy's bulk domain name registration that lets you dump in up to 500 domain name possibilities, then strips out the ones that are taken and leaves you with the ones that are free. Get long lists of popular search terms to dump in there by extracting csv file lists of search terms based on a word you type into Seo Book Keyword Suggestion Tool, like I did here with "sell" 0r Google Adwords Keyword Tool or WordTracker or whatever your favorite keyword tool place is. #2 Buy the domain name... ...once you've done your domain-name research, and chosen something kinda pithy t...

^ Ā¢ Ā£ Ā¤ Ā„ Ā§ Ā¬ Ā° Ā± Āŗ Ćø Ć¾ Get More Blog Visitors with Symbols in Your Blog Post Titles - Which ones show up in Google serps?

^ Ā¢ Ā£ Ā¤ Ā„ Ā§ Ā¬ Ā° Ā± Āŗ Ćø Ć¾ Get More Blog Visitors with Symbols in Your Blog Post Titles - Which ones show up in Google serps? I'm always on the lookout for ways to get more traffic to my websites -- and I still use the tip of putting symbols in my blog post titles that I l earned from Blue Hat SEO years ago. Since then, I've experimented with what symbols Google strips out of their serps and which ones they leave in. Symbols like this, they leave in, thereby increasing the click-thru rate when people see the posts in Google's serps: ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–· Danny Gans Cause of Death Finally Found to be Acute ... Symbols like the cute heart, I used get stripped out: ā™„ ā™„ ā™„ ā™„ ā™„ ā™„ Tyra Banks Real Hair, No Weave on September 8, 2009 Tyra Showā€¦ The solid bars get stripped out of the post title, too, but I also put them within the post in header 2 tags and they show up in the Google search-engine results pages like this: ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–· Octomom Documentary : Watch Octomom Fox Documentary ... ā–Œā–Œā–Œā–Œā–Œā–Œā–Œ Octomo...

ā™„ ā™„ ā™„ eBay PPC - New eBay Pay Per Click Affililate Program Announced - Good, I'll make more than $1.03 earnings out of eBay's referral program now...

ā™„ ā™„ ā™„ eBay PPC - New eBay Pay Per Click Affililate Program Announced - Good, maybe I'll make more than $1.03 out of eBay's referral program now... I got a Gmail email about eBay's new "Quality Click Pricing" or program or something or 'nother and I didn't even know what the freak they were talking about until I moved on and wrote this post about "ā™„ ā™„ ā™„ How to Find the Most Recent 2009 Affiliate and Referral Programs and News..." and only THEN did I realize by reading other people's reports that eBay was announcing a new PPC pay-per-click instead of just pay-per-action PPA program. This is good news. Because I've made a total of $1.03 out of eBay's partner network (click the pic in this post to get to it) this year -- thus far totally! I just figured out that the $1.03 was earned when someone bought U2 tickets thru one of my posts leading them to u2 tics on eBay -- and that person got the winning bid -- and the revenue earned off of ...

$80 a Day Online Earnings Tips from

$80 a Day Online Earnings Tips from I found an interesting website today called -- and I found most fascinating (her?) blog post called "$50/Daily Clickbank, $30/Daily AdSense Method For Beginners" , wherein she details starting a website 4 weeks ago that's already paying her at least 80 bucks a day. Of course, she doesn't give away her keywords -- but I found most interesting how she took the time to have articles written and submitted to various directories, and got backlinks and stuff in order to get a #1 Google Ranking for the mysterious terms for a keyword that has 15 million SERPs. I'm seriously thinking of undertaking that route (and writing all the stuff myself for free) of creating articles, submitting to articles directories and slowly but surely gaining backlinks to rank for a good term. I refuse to sell scammy stuff I see on ClickBank -- but I'm going to focus on positive topics that can help people and pay well....

Soren Jordansen Scam? Anyone Making Money with Clickbank Pirate Besides Cindy Battye and Soren Jordansen?

Soren Jordansen Scam? Anyone Making Money with Clickbank Pirate? At this point, I'm just about done with all the get-rich-quick schemes and programs out there. I was checking out some of the best-selling products on ClickBank -- the ones with the highest gravity -- and that how I found out about ClickBank Pirate and started researching whether Soren Jordansen was a scam artist or not. Actually, I didn't think Soren Jordansen looked like a scammer, it's just Google suggested "Soren Jordansen scam" when I typed in his name, only because so many people must type in Soren Jordansen scam when deciding whether or not to buy his product. And I didn't see scam associated at all with Cindy Battye -- only her great cancer butt-kicking testimony. She's Soren Jordansen's partner in the CB Pirate thing. I really want to know the real deal about how much people are making after using the cb pirate -- and if any, are they just making money selling false hopes and dr...

ā€  Tissa Godavitarne - Scam? Hoax? Or Internet Marketing Genius? Read these reviews...

UPDATE - I can't do it. Just as soon as I signed up with Tissa's people search engine, I cancelled. I just don't feel right about helping people find other people's addresses and phone numbers. AND THIS PRIVACY ISSUE IS GAINING STEAM. CHECK OUT THE CONTROVERSY BREWING OVER THE MYLIFE.COM PRIVACY SELLING ISSUES THAT TISSA USES TO PROVIDE THE PEOPLE SEARCH ENGINE INFO. I know I could probably make money with it, but it's just not sitting right with my soul. Back to the drawing board. I know better things await... I kept trying to rationalize that many people could use the people search engines for good purposes, like reconnecting with old classmates and finding deadbeat dads and such -- but the reality is that if just one person uses them for nefarious purposes, I just don't want to be a part of that. I wonder if Tissa would care if people found out the address of his fabulous home, and came a' knocking on his door? How I Bought a Brand New $1.2 Million Dolla...

Guy Steals Dot Com Domain Name, Gets Arrested and Goes to Jail - Cyber Crime Doesn't Pay Jack S*&$!

Guy Steals Dot Com Domain Name, Gets Arrested and Goes to Jail - Cyber Crime Doesn't Pay Jack S*&$! I just read on Domain News about the first person to ever get arrested for stealing a domain name. Some guy hacked into a person's AOL account and got the login details for the profitable domain name they'd purchased -- like or -- something like that, just click the jail pic in this post to find the article. Anyway, that guy got arrested, thankfully, and is probably in jail now or awaiting his trial. Either way -- now we know all this truly black hat stuff does not pay. They will find the cyber criminals doing such outlandish acts.

Pay Per Call Program with CJ - Making Money by Getting People to Call Advertisers...

Pay Per Call Program with CJ - Making Money by Getting People to Call Advertisers... I got an email from CJ, Commission Junction, saying they're introducing a new Pay Per Call "Ring Revenue" affiliate program system where you can making money as an affiliate by getting people who are interested in a certain service or product to call an advertiser for more information -- and I'm sure as they want, to hopefully make an easy sale to the advertiser. It intrigued me because I'd never heard of Pay Per Call before -- Pay Per Action, yes, Pay Per Post, ad naseum -- but never Pay Per Call. So I signed up (do the same if you're already a affiliate by clicking the pic above) and hopefully I'll get approved and make a lot of sales. Right now, my account could seriously use some beefing up since I haven't sold an Apple Store products in a while, and have only made dollars here and there pitching .