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† Tissa Godavitarne - Scam? Hoax? Or Internet Marketing Genius? Read these reviews...

UPDATE - I can't do it. Just as soon as I signed up with Tissa's people search engine, I cancelled. I just don't feel right about helping people find other people's addresses and phone numbers. AND THIS PRIVACY ISSUE IS GAINING STEAM. CHECK OUT THE CONTROVERSY BREWING OVER THE MYLIFE.COM PRIVACY SELLING ISSUES THAT TISSA USES TO PROVIDE THE PEOPLE SEARCH ENGINE INFO. I know I could probably make money with it, but it's just not sitting right with my soul. Back to the drawing board. I know better things await...

I kept trying to rationalize that many people could use the people search engines for good purposes, like reconnecting with old classmates and finding deadbeat dads and such -- but the reality is that if just one person uses them for nefarious purposes, I just don't want to be a part of that.

I wonder if Tissa would care if people found out the address of his fabulous home, and came a' knocking on his door?

How I Bought a Brand New $1.2 Million Dollar Dream Home on Two Rolling Acres Using ONLY Affiliate Commissions Earned While I Was Unemployed

When you see a Google Ad with that title, you just gotta click it.

That's what I did, and that's how I found out about Tissa Godavitarne, a guy who has gotta be a great marketing genius, scam artist, brilliant or greedy!

After all, if Tissa Godavitame isn't a scam artist and is really making $2.2 million per year -- why would he need to make more, I wondered.

Anyway, here's the pic of what Tissa says is his actual home -- ambitiously called the "TissaPlex" like Google's "GooglePlex" -- I love it!

So is Tissa Godavitarne a Scam Artist or Brilliant Man?

That's what I'm trying to figure out.

Today, feeling totally beat down by DreamHost's bad performance on keeping my dot coms up lately, even after moving to two private servers -- and not as hopeful about my Amazon Associates revenue, I'm blogging in bed about what I've researched about Tissa Godavitarne.

I lingered over the email entry box on his website, not having the gumption right now to try it.

So is it a scam?

Seems like the jury is still out on that one, but follow this thread on people debating back and forth whether Tissa's a scam or not.

Those are folks who actually purport to have tried his people search engine pyramid seeming thingee.

And maybe I'll get the gumption to try it soon.

At least Tissa Godavitame has got his 1099 online...

...but at this point I'm so jaded with "online experts," I wondered if that was Photoshopped.

Tissa does say he will show it to you in person.

And at least he shows what he says is his real pic, real phone number and such.

You don't see that every day.

Right now I'm sticking with money made via Google Adsense, Amazon Associates and Kontera and Others...

I made $20,000 online in the first 6 months of 2009, so stay tuned for my progress...

And feel free to leave me your comments on your actual great or bad experiences with Tissa Godavitarne's ACME People Search Engine.

I like to keep abreast of the money-makers online.

Labels: Tissa Godavitarne,scam,not scam,hoax,real,making money,adwords amazon associates,earnings,helping bloggers make money,dominating amazon,reviews


Anonymous said…
Hi Paula,

Nah, far from brilliant. Maybe a little greedy ;-) As for whether my program is a scam or not - I'll let that thread speak for itself... The 1099 is untouched - viewable by everyone who attends my weekly meet-and-greets (dates and times on my Web site). By the way: Great read, your blog ("pyramid seeming thingee" - loved it!) Looks like you're nurturing several income streams - best wishes for your continued success!

Anonymous said…
Most likely it's a scam, I'd stick to reading forums and following up on that information. Good to see you are making money through amazon, I just joined their affiliate program. I hope I can start making some money out of it.
Anonymous said…
Well now you know you've done something right when the actual person you're talking about comments.

Grats on the Amazon affiliate cash flow. I recommend you do whats working, and when you think you've perfected it, automate it and learn something new.
Paris David said…
Oleg - That sounds like perfect advice.

Working on the perfecting the automating the Amazon income -- and I like moving and growing to something new and exciting.

Keep the blogging world interesting, you know?

Yeah, you know!
Anonymous said…

Keep your chin up :)

I have been working this online money making thing for about a year and am having some success. Have you read
The author calls himself Grizz, and he provides a ton of info for free. No magic bullet, just lots of hard-work and persistence. I am going to check this Tissa guy out and see what he has to offer.

Good luck :)
Paris David said…
Thanks, I just subscribed to Grizz's blog.

The tagline alone made me LOL.
Anonymous said…
Just to let you know. I signed up with tissa's people search. After the free 30 days advertising he offers, nothing. My subscription was charged to my paypal account 2 days earlier than I expected so I decided to cancel it to be sure I wouldn't get hit for another $29.95 for nothing. He cut off my advertising 3 days later (I had paid for a month). I turned in a support ticket through my membership page asking that he give me the 30 days advertising or refund my money. That was 10 days ago and no reply yet. This has me leaning towards him being a scam artist. I can't see leaving a support ticket hanging for 10 days being a good or ethical business practice. Just thought you might want to know.
Paris David said…
Thanks Anonymous - I must admit I'm still very intrigued by Tissa's statement that many people look for other people online.

And his people search engine is amazing -- I was able to find people, see their phone numbers, even their home address and the value of their homes.

Anonymous said…
In response to my previous post, I must apologize. Mr. Godavitarne has responded to my request and explained that he had been on vacation. He not only agreed with my position, but has given me a full refund. He treated me fairly and I very much respect him for that. I'm not sure that I have the skills to make money with his program, but I think people who know how to market probably can.
Paris David said…
Thanks for coming back with the update. I appreciated the follow-up and feedback, and I'm sure Tissa does, too!

Now I'm even more intrigued by the ACME People Search engine.

It's so interesting and scary and compelling all at once.

I'll let my readers know if I ever hook up with it.
Anonymous said…
Hi Paula,

I decided to take the plunge with Tissa's search engine after I was also intrigued. I must say that after 1 month I am quite impressed. I have already earned commissions and have 41 referals without much promoting. I am also impressed with the support, quick responses each time I've asked a question. The reason I use it is to build my GDI downline, which seems to be working a treat. I am about to launch an adwords campaign so am expecting to see some good results. I will keep you updated. Great site by the way.

Tony Gibson
Paris David said…
Thanks for the comment, Tony -

It's so good that you broke it down both the pros and cons of the ACME People Search engine, instead of only "Sign up now!" "100% Money Maker!" and all that crap of lies that sometimes people pitch with.

Now I'm seriously thinking about getting into it -- and if I do, hopefully I'll remember this comment and come back and sign up under you under your link.

You're right, getting in on the ground floor of an opportunity like this might make us money.

Right now, I'm still playing around with Dominating Amazon and such -- and I always look for ways to add onto that income with stuff that works.

Thanks again and keep us updated with some income posts of your actual numbers, please.
I have been following these posts and thought I would leave a comment about Tissa´s people search. First of all its not a scam. I joined in september and everything has worked exactly as he says on the presell page. I must say that I am quite impressed, so I desided to make a blog about it to help my signups with completing the 3 steps and about where and how I advertise it and to put everything out in the open - yes I even post my earnings on there for all to see. As of yesteray that was a total of $2036,40
I also did a test to see if I cold get on the leaderboard in GDI faster by making a small change in my profile in the search engine. It worked - I got on the leaderboard last week of December.
So yes the people search is a real business that can make you a great income, but you have to work it ( work=advertising. You cant just set it up and expect the $$ start flowding in from Tissa, reunion, Hd Publishing ect. NO business works that way. Here is my blog

Kirsten Faucette
Paris David said…
Thanks, Kirsten, for the link to your people search blog, plus the earnings post.

I think I'm going to try both this and the Amazon hunting simultaneously.

Maybe God is trying to hit me over the head with this idea, to get in now before the market is too crowded.

Think I'd better go research what GDI means...
Jeff Atkins said…
Hi Paula,

I have been interested in jumping on the Internet Marketing / Affiliate Marketing bandwagon for years now... I stumbled across one of Tissa's sites and everything just made sense. It looked as if I had nothing to lose and he guaranteed $125 within the first 24 hours of completing his steps. I took the plunge...

I have learned quite a bit in only 3 days and the only money I spent was for my own website domain name and $10 to sign up with GDI.. If you can bake a cake by following instructions you CAN do this.. He has dummy proofed it... Great pictures.. Great explanations.. I am the proud owner of my own search engine site (Actually coming up with the name was the hardest part.) You would be suprised at the all the info you can find on yourself too!!

It took a few days for my site to go live with advertising but within minutes (literally about 30 minutes) I have made my first sale. It was only $13.06 but ya gotta start somewhere right?

I am VERY happy with the system he has put together. He has condensed my time frame to profitability and eliminated the learning curve that kept me from doing this years ago.

Thanks Tissa! If anyone reading this is thinking about doing it just do it already... You will always miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Jeff Atkins
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said…
This site is definitely 100% legit i have only been in for about 1 week and i am already making cash it is very exciting to see the cash in your accounts when you log in... so don't hesitate join now!!
Anonymous said…

Hi great post, thank you! Have you signed up? I'm looking at it also bc I lost my job almost a year ago and need something to work for me but can't waste any more $ on greedy online phonies! I wondered if you have also heard anything about Mack Michaels, I'm investigating his program as well. I would like to warn everyone to stay AWAY from ALL Cash Gifting especially with Rob scam artist! Thanks, Kathleen
Paris David said…
Hey Anon -

I still haven't tried Tissa's program yet. Time will tell.

And that's so funny you brought up Mack Michaels, I saw his Google ads in my ad review center so I tried to check him out, but I just don't like that same old landing page hype that leads to another $97 ebook.

I mean, who came up with this $97 anyway?

And if he's really making $10,000 or more per month or week or day or whatever -- why do these guys need to sell $97 ebooks?

I'm still sticking with Amazon Hunter 2 and Dominating Amazon ebook by James -- find the links above right.

Hopefully I'll turn a good profit.

Stay tuned...
Anonymous said…
To answer your question concerning Tissa, that would be Internet Marketing Genius. I love his program and what it has done to help me. I started with Tissa back in April of last year and have nothing but positive things to say. I have been able to speak with him on the phone numerous times and he is open to everyone's feedback and suggestions. Now I am studying SEO so I can get to the top of Google with Tissa's program:)

I built a Squidoo lens that gives complete details of how his program works and how you will make money with his program.
Syadz said…
hi everyone,
i'm just getting to know is acme-people-search engine is good or not you know i just sign up to this program in 2008 but still afraid to proceed further..em any suggestion can help me..
fish said…
Is Tissa a scam? Yes and here is why. He says he has a 30 day full refund policy. That is BS. I tried Tissa's program suspiciously and found that his free advertising etc. produced zero, that is 0 like as in nothing for about 20 days. I contacted Tissa through the "back office" to cancel. Cancelation confirmation was sent to me by email with a note saying I am responsible for cancelation of PayPal subscription and Trial Pay subscribtion. I didn't even know that I did subscribe. The 29.95 was charged through paypal to my credit card. I have tried to call Tissa to get the refund, emailed 3 times to the "back office" and got the same form letter response. Finally disputed thru paypal only to find that they will not dispute. My next step is my credit card. If Tissa had any balls, he would not only do what is right but also do what he says he will do.
Anonymous said…
Howdy Fish,

Tissa here. Sorry about your disappointment, but your facts aren't quite correct. First of all, nowhere do I offer a "30 day full refund policy" - so you're right, that is BS. What I do offer is a 30-day free trial before PayPal bills you. If you didn't like your results after 20 days, why didn't you just log into your PayPal account and cancel your subscription before you were billed? And how could you "not know" that you subscribed when PayPal themselves clearly displayed the subscription terms on their site (Free for 30 days, then $29.95 each month...) That's the whole point of using PayPal: You don't have to wait for the merchant - just log into your PayPal account and cancel your subscription! Anyway Fish, if you post your search engine username here, I'll gladly issue you a full refund via my PayPal account. No worries :)

Anonymous said…

Tissa here again. I presume you're Rickman Fish, username 1230490955PYNT? I just came across the dispute you filed with PayPal (I remembered the name "Fish" :D). It looks like PayPal agreed with me that your "unauthorized charge" claim wasn't justified, so they didn't refund your money. As a courtesy though, I went ahead and refunded your payment (check your PayPal account).


Concerning your unwillingness to promote your people search engine for privacy reasons: Hey, I fully understand. In that regard, my search engine is no different than free people search sites like for example (which also has a lot of privacy advocates up in arms). As affiliates, we should only promote products with which we are personally comfortable, so I fully respect your decision. Best wishes to you! :)

Scott Manesis said…
"And that's so funny you brought up Mack Michaels, I saw his Google ads in my ad review center so I tried to check him out, but I just don't like that same old landing page hype that leads to another $97 ebook.

I mean, who came up with this $97 anyway?

And if he's really making $10,000 or more per month or week or day or whatever -- why do these guys need to sell $97 ebooks?"

Maverick Money Makers is not an e-book at all. I don't know what gives you the impression that it is. I would classify it more of an affiliate coaching site. I have been doing affiliate marketing off and on for 5 years now. I have been ripped by a few made a few bucks on some, most of the time spending more than what I get back. This all changed in the past 3 months since I signed on with maverick Money Makers. SO NO IT IS NOT A SCAM. I get nothing and have no reason to endorse this other than I use it and it works....what else can I say?
Anonymous said…
For what i can see that is a big huge scam. So when does advertise for you?? And are you sure that you have his website, or only a redirection? Because if it is a Url redirection it is him who is earning and not u or your affiliate programs, but yes him and his affiliate programs, he may give you a bit... but... big lost, you end up losing in the advertising you made to achieve the so said leads to the other business your promoting, so no leads, you pay him 30 dls for an advert. that isnt even done! Also he earns the big pot and gives u a bit of the share that you could earn by yourself.And there's much but much more into it...
Trinu said…
I am from india. I am unable to verify my paypal account.. any one from india pls help me how to do this i have got stucked in the second step itself unable to create GDI. can any one please help me mail me to
Anonymous said…
Anonymous said…
MikingIT said…
If you used the same profanity as you did above, I'm not surprised if he muted you during the meeting. Tissa's program may not have worked for you, but it's no scam. Not only did he Paypal me the $125 (actually he paid me $230) but he's paid many others as you can see:

No scam here.
jim said…
Loved reading yourblog and have bookmarked it.

I love how your path taken is not always the quick buck but rather the best choice and what you can sleep with.

keep up the good work
Anonymous said…
This is clearly a scam. I can't believe this man is asking for money upfront too.
Anonymous said…
Hi,I just got off the phone with Tissa"really" and you know I don't know diddly squat about MLM and don't care to.It seems to me we are all just paranoid with all that happens online we all know the market is just totally full of cons and lies but you know sometimes some people just want to succeed and help others at the same time,we all need to learn that some times you might have just gotten lucky for a change he discovers a great idea and everyone thinks he's the devil."so what are you trying to accomplish"HOW TO MAKE MONEY ONLINE" Duh! so if you have questions just ask.Anything we do in life consist of risk!even crossing the street.I'm with you me the money.and no I don't know him personally,today is the first time I have ever talked to him.and that's the key for me"HIM" 4/21/09,trust is the biggest most loudest word we all use on the net.What ever it takes to make money we will all give it a shot!after we check it out right what are you waiting for?blah blah blah
Anonymous said…
I just signed up with Tissa's program a few days ago. Not sure what to think for right now. He mentions a "Wealthy Affiliate University" that you need to sign up for in order to earn referral fees from Tissa, as well as GDI sign-ups and bonuses but I can't afford $40/month plus the $30 for Tissa to advertise for me on a monthly basis. I don't mind paying $30/month but $70(total)/month is a little much for me right now. Plus I would need to advertise (AdWords or whatever) on my own as well = more $$$. Also, I'm in Canada and I noticed his "people search" engine seems to only work for US searches. So I guess there isn't much of a point in targeting Canadians? Any help, advice or tips would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Tissa said…
Tissa here. Why not attend one of my many free Webinars listed in your back office so you can talk with me directly? Or just go to

Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is recommended, not required. Nor do you have to pay me $30/month (Step 3 is optional). In any case, if you can't afford WA or Step 3, then you shouldn't sign up for either. It's up to you to stay within your personal budget. Besides, you can still make money without signing up for WA or completing Step 3 (i.e. through my referral program and GDI).

You can earn commissions from the search engine regardless of where you are in the world, but your search engine marketing efforts should indeed target a U.S. audience, since it contains only U.S. public records. Hope this helps. Please attend the free Webinars if you have any other questions.

Anonymous said…
Hi Tissa,

Thanks for the response. I contacted you through my back office with some questions I would like some answers to. My name is James. When do you plan on responding? You should have 2 tickets from me. One of the tickets (7MZPMZAVZH) is from May 2.

If I decide not to cancel the $30 (via PayPal) for you to advertise for me, can you guarantee me profits every month? My wife and I own and operate a business so I won't have much time to advertise on my own and a little extra money would help. I'm not looking to make thousands of dollars a month. Although it would be nice :) I just don't think I can come up with the kind of advertising budget you would need to make thousands a month. I know how business works and advertising plays a major roll in the success of any kind of business.

Can your program help me build my GDI downline? If so, how? In your "secret sauce ingredients" I have forced hosting (GDI) set to YES, what exactly is this going to do?

A response would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,

Tissa said…
Hi James,

I just replied to your support ticket - please log into your search engine's back office to read my reply.

To answer your question above: Even if you decide to maintain your $30/month subscription, I most certainly do NOT "guarantee you profits every month". Do you know of any brick-and-mortar business that guarantee profits despite monthly operating expenses? It's no different online, and any online program that guarantees profits is indeed a scam. I have some users who are making $4,000/month in commissions with my program and some users who are making $4/month. As with any business, YOUR profitability will depend on your unique skills and abilities to market your business. Everyone is different in that regard, so it's impossible for me to predict how successful you will be.

What I offer you for $30/month is this:

- 100% Display Rate for your search engine's affiliate IDs
- The Super Affiliate switch as a free bonus for qualified Wealthy Affiliate students
- Full access to my GDI "sign-up sauce ingredients"

Those are the income tools I provide you for $30/month, but how effectively you use them is up to you. Of course I do everything I can to help you succeed with them, with my free training and support.

And yes, my program can help you build your GDI downline. Those GDI "sign-up sauce ingredients" are precisely how I and many others get on the GDI Leaderboard week after week. More info at

If you have any further questions, please attend the free Webinars in your back office or open a support ticket. Trish is caught up on all your support tickets, and during the Webinars you can talk with me directly or type questions via chat. In fact, the next support Webinar is tomorrow, May 10 at 9:30 PM EDT. Great as it is, Paula's blog isn't really the place for me to provide training and support ;-)

Hope everyone is having a great Mother's Day weekend!

josafe said…

I'll stick to Tissa although I havent got a buck. i need to work on it but my budget is weak!!

1. Can wealthy affiliate guide me how to set a full - fledged search engine web page?
2. Can I opt for the monthly subscription for WA? Will this qualify to turn on the supper affiliate?
3. If I opt for monthly subcription, will WA provide with "all tools" to make a search page effective?

Anyone help me pls.
Technolik Blog said…
Amazon is great for letting us to earn some easy money from Kindle
bhooper said…
Hi all
Im a newbie to this business and i have recently signed up under tissa in gdi.I have decided to sign up for the wealthy affiliate guide because after all knowledge is power and he is steering me in a direction that i should go in anyhow if i want to succeed in this business. Even if tissa doesnt deliver any profits i feel that just studying his methods is a powerful lesson that i hope to duplicate someday. Besides I always have the right to cancel at any time,but I am going to stick it out for several months at least to see what happens.Personally I think he is brilliant and I am going to hope for the best until proven different.
Tissa Godavitarne, huh I have seen his pictures on many websites all looking the exact same selling the exact same thing. Interesting though that you found out so much about him. Do you really think it is him that posted the comment? Anyway I have been a webmaster for four months or so and have reached decent SERPs position without spending any money and I owe it all to>Digital Point webmaster forums and V7N webmaster forums. The webmastere taught me everything about internet marketing that I would ever want to know and you know if someone is scamming because they are called out by hundreds of webmasters and instantly there rep goes from green to red. I am glad you picked a program such as amazon, but with the immense amount of work it takes to get my 4 blogs off the ground I have not had much time to implement the program. Right now the majority of my money is coming from adsense and the make money niche affiliate sites. Anyway congrats on the success I will be back to see how things are going. By the way sorry for the big comment.
hello all
Tissa,s affiliate program is not a scam.He is making a lot of money through hard work and he wanted to share it with others.If you join and fail it is because of your own mistakes.No one is goint to give you lots of money on a golden platter.Tissa gives you a program which is legitmate and honest.He has nothing to hide and why would he?like all businesses online and offline some will succeed and some will fail.Your $29.95 a month will make you get committed to work hard to succeed other wise when its free people do not have the motivation to work for it.I signed up with Tissa and he credited my account with $125 and I believe he is honest about his business.
Thank you all
dave anson said…
well people my finger was poised on the send button to sign up for tissa, gdi. on step 2 it asks for your user name and password to upload to your site, i have a site of my own and have been slowing getting up the ranks of goggle type google-a2z to check, ok so that was a bit of a plug, my question is if i have my own domain and web space why cant i upload it myself and promote it ????? over to you tissa.
Anonymous said…
I signed up for this Tissa program. Instead of "making $125" he just gave it to me. By now it had cost me $60 with the monthly hosting domain name, $39.99 to some subscription he wanted me to do and not to mention the time. Then there was the Wealthy University he wanted me to sign up for for about $350.00 a year. Other then the $125 that Tissa gave "never will get because my account will not reach $200" I have not made any money at all for any of the 5 sites I have signed up with Tissa on. The only person making money on this is Tissa and and the people he signs you up under. Lunar Pages, .WS or, Click Bank, My Life, and HD Publishing Group. I would stay away from this, just like most programs with long pitch pages and promises of money, they just don't work for the little guy. Not to mention Your competition, On one of the affiliate Tissa gets you to sign up for there are over 250,000 people doing the same thing. Test it yourself: go to and go to the search bar, now type in all 230,000 pages you see that end in people's names like john23, stillen, bruce84 those are all people trying sell domain names, residual income opportunities, and whatever else they can. In short, just don't do it. Get a job and make money just like everyone else. If you do make money doing something like this you are stealing. People who find ways to make millions on the internet DON"T TELL OTHER PEOPLE. That is why they are rich.
Scott Manesis said…
Anonymous said "In short, just don't do it. Get a job and make money just like everyone else. If you do make money doing something like this you are stealing."

Obviously he knows nothing about affiliate marketing. I have been doing affiliate marketing for several years. I have made much more money than any "job" will ever pay me.

You keep relying on your job buddy, meanwhile some of us will continue to never worry about the unemployment line while you HOPE your job doesn't lay you off. Affiliate marketing is a multi billion dollar legitimate industry. It's not everyone elses fault you don't know how to build a list, your just bitter.

In short those of us who ACTUALLY make money don't have slave jobs like "everybody else" thank God.
Unknown said…
I have been waiting for over a week for Tessa to answer my questions through a ticket system within my back office with no luck. Mate how can I earn your trust with what youre offering is legit. I've done the three stages and now Im stuck! need my questions anwered so then I can decided to go further with the business otherwise this is no different. Im so sick of being burned by BH all the time online!!
Unknown said…
I have been waiting for over a week for Tessa to answer my questions through a ticket system within my back office with no luck. Mate how can I earn your trust with what youre offering is legit. I've done the three stages and now Im stuck! need my questions anwered so then I can decided to go further with the business otherwise this is no different. Im so sick of being burned by BH all the time online!!
Chris said…
Gerrard Poto-

Tissa now has a forum up and running where you can get assistance from other members ( Also, you can login to the live Webinars Tissa hosts every week and speak with him directly. He has admitted that he is way behind answering support tickets. The forum is your best source for assistance right now.
Anonymous said…
I recently found Tissa's website with this acme-search crap. I looked at his 1099 he posted and did a search for Cyberspace to paradise Inc. I returned someone complaining about another business with the same exact address as his listed. A FL address and he is in the DC area, certainly it's for tax advantages... and perhaps "legal" (aka scam) advantages. I call bullshit. I then find a letter to a John Stanely/Cyberspace to Paradise (CtP) Inc dating to May 2004 from a guy running This version of CtP Inc is located also in Deland, FL and is 3 miles away from the currect CtP Inc address. Fishy? Hell yeah!
Tissa said…
Hi Gerrard,

Sorry about the delay in replying to your support tickets. Frankly my program has become more popular than I ever imagined - which is great, but it has also created a backlog of tickets. Have you attended any of the Webinars where you can talk with me one-on-one? In any case, please post your questions/concerns at the support forum below - much faster than waiting for a reply to your ticket:

Anonymous said…
Hi Tissa
I have a majour problem with login in to your second step Monetization. It shows that my hosting username and past word does not exist. I'm 100% accurate with my web hoster. But I am realy sick of this step. Cause I am stuck with it for the last two days.this is my support Ticket ID U0EMV1UX21. Plese can you pay your attention
dickson said…
Hi tissa!
I have a major problem with your second step Monetization. Your system shows that my hosting password & username does not exist. But I am 100% ok with my web hosting account. I am stuck for the last 2 days with this problem plese can you pay attention to my support ticket ID U0EMV1UX21.
Kind regards
Tissa said…
Again: If you want help with my program, use my forum here:

izoelrose said…
I read all comments, then i want to share about tissa program, For me this is great program, there's nothing wrong with this site. Think, You join for free, step 1 all free, (you have chance to earn just from step 1 IF you Work (advertise it)), step 2 still free for 7 days, if you decided to pay, i think it's no much cause tissa will credit you $125, all you have to do is finish step 3 for 30 days and if you don't work you will FAIL, just promote don't wait just for tissa, you will get your $200-$10-$30=$160 You will get your first $200. it's nothing to lose. And like tissa said his program is not getting rich quick programs (scam)
kill me if i was wrong thanks
Catalin Rusu said…
It's true. This is the best Online Business even for a beginer. Just check it out Tissa Godavitarne is not a Scam !!!
johncute said…
Hye Tissa, Hye everyone.

I want to ask Tiss whether he could arrange a way to let me pay for the step 3 advertising via a method other than, as it is not available to my country.

I can pay via certified check and visa card. I cannot receive via paypal either. I can accept payments via alertpay.

Anonymous said…
what free web hosting site & free domian name sites means we do not have pay a single cents?
Hi Paula. Long time no hear.

I think you know where I stand with online money making ventures. I like compare them with the late-night TV infomercials promising the moon and the stars, but rarely if ever delivering. Lots of hype and little or no return.

The one's who are making most of the money are the creators of the scheme. Although I've never tried Tissa's system I would imagine it is no different.

Everybody is looking for a guru to hold them by the hand to the promised land. But it always comes down to our own skills whether or not we make money.

I think Tissa's own comments pretty much says it all:

"I have some users who are making $4,000/month in commissions with my program and some users who are making $4/month. As with any business, YOUR profitability will depend on your unique skills and abilities to market your business."

Like he says the bottom line is it is all all up to us, so why bother putting our trust (and our wallets) with someone else?


On further thing. I came here after receiving a tweet from Tissa with a link to his sales page. I decided to Google him and found your post here.

The funny thing is there was nothing in his sales pitch indicating that I had to pay anything. After reading the comments here apparently there is more to the story than what first met the eye (as I had suspected).

I would have only found out all of the gory details AFTER giving him my email address and name.

It's been my experience anything for "free" usually gives a ROI of equal amount -- i.e. $0. After getting your name and contact information you are then beset with another pitch to "upgrade" to a paid-for account promising better results. I've seen this sort of thing a thousand times.

That turns me right off and I'm glad that I came here first.


Paris David said…
Hey Blog Bloke -

Thanks for stopping by.

Funny thing is, I love USING Tissa Godavitarne's search engine, but I haven't gone the route of selling it.
Hey Paula! Glad to hear that you doing so well financially, and even I will try it. Maybe who knows? It is good to have more sources of income. best wishes for your continued success!
@ Paula:

Glad you love using the search engine :) You don't have to sell it. As far as people search engines go, its results are on par with the same results you'd buy from companies like Intelius, USSearch and PeopleFinders - except the results are free.
Anonymous said…
I was just wondering if Tissa still holds 80% of payment if your step 2 referral rate is poor but your step 1 and step 3 are good?
My experience was - to say the least - awful. I promoted, signed people up with the '$125 Guarantee' (which I now know is highly misleading), and Tissa made money...not me. A few people quit and my approval rate fell off, so I didn't get paid a nickel. Tissa made his money though. He's a talented marketer, but I wouldn't recommend this program to anyone - unless they want to be an unpaid marketing intern.
mma clothes said…
I guess he is a brilliant man, made use of what he really is good at, which is persuading people to bite his endorsements. Not many internet marketers can actually surpass his feat. Is it a scam? not sure as well. But if it's a genuine Google letter that he's presenting and it's fake, probably Google already milked out a few thousand from his annual earning and sent him not to his mansion but some dungeon in Alcatraz.
Julius said…
Hi Paula,

Just stopping by here and give a shout out to everyone. I am a member of Acme People Search Engine for almost 3 months now and so far I am making money with his program. Many people say's that it is scam but they don't have proof. Take a closer look with this Proof of Income Board with Acme People Search @ His program giving out $125 Guaranteed within 24 hours in 3 easy steps.

See Proof here:

Hope it helps,

Anonymous said…
hmmmmmm, about the "125 guarantee"-- do a google search on some of the towns listed on that list and tell me what you get in return.

Here is a list of a few towns:

Boblit, NY
Bmlt, WV
Bendagan, KS
Shalommi, NE

I did also use internet white pages to look up a few of the names. Some match their cities listed, but many didn't.

Take that information for what it is worth. If a site needs to make up names and cities to make itself look legitimate, it probably isn't, but judge for yourself.
This is simply an amazing program. Tissa continues to improve his program and his webinars are very helpful to all his affiliates.
I have been with Tissa Godavitarne since April of 2008. I have been really impressed with his program. He continues to strive to help all his affiliates make money online. He has a real product that is in demand and his webinars are very helpful. He is a real Internet Marketing Expert who you have access to when you join the program. Most guru's no one can talk too....not here. This is the best program online.
Gina said…
I've been thinking about it, too. I think Tissa has a brilliant set up. Essentially, he's taken five separate profitable programs and made them work together in one. Three of those programs I'm already a member of.

The $10 a month is for GDI which provides domain hosting, a domain name and an excellent referral system that's been making people money for 10 years. That GDI hosting is what hosts your search engine. You cannot post anything to the web without web hosting.

Tissa simply combined the easiest programs to profit from and put them into one program. Your pay is a minimal investment $10 per month and a little bit of time marketing. Then you start earning.

However, if there are programs you don't feel comfortable promoting, then you don't have to. It's up to you.
Yossi said…
Sucks! Tissa GHodavirta ... whatever ... sucks! Another scam! I have 100% display rate account, then my time to payout $ 325 on 14 September, suddenly my account is closed! Sucks you Tissa act like No scam 100% nay scammers, but you really good actor!
Anonymous said…
Another scam ... I got $ 325 account balance (100% Display Rate with Step 2 and Step 3 ok) but really ... He just closed my account without warning or notification ... Act like a holy man but really you are a great actor .... 100% scam you Tissa ...
pisco said…
I've been using this for quite a while now, and speaking the truth, at first i wasn't very sucessful, but now i see my income increasing exponecially, it is all about working the program.

Also i did an article on how to work the program with sucess, have a look
joseph Mancia said…
In my opinion Tissa Godavitarne is An honest business man, he is also An "internet marketing master". I joined his program thinking it is just another get rich quick scheme I quickly learned that it is in fact the opposite. Tissa is truely a generous man, and I have seen him reply to posts in the members forum almost daily. Where else can one talk directly to the program owner and get your concerns anwered. That led me to write a business opportunity blog dedicated in providing information and techniques on promoting an Honest Internet Business. The bottom line is that Tissa is a great man, and he certainly is not a scammer.
I had tried the freebie, cancelled and now find I am being billed 29.95 a month thru paypal and no way to log in and figure out how to cancel. Guess I can close my paypal acct.
joseph Mancia said…
Hi fordjill, jpjf,

If you have canceled your account that does not stop the subscription unless you cancel it in paypal.

Hope this answers your question.
Anonymous said…
I went to and could even find the address that is listed on his tax returns. His contact information is in VA however he's taxes returns are from FL. Florida is one of the most know for a fraud state as well. My question is what are his real intention. There is nothing FREE in this world!
joseph Mancia said…
I would just like to clarify for the readers! It seems there are a lot of tire kickers bashing tissa and acme-people-search.

Well the truth is that yes it is free to join program and yes there is an option to upgrade, but like I said it is an option, not manditory.

There are plenty of Acme members earning at the step 1 level for free and are learning a great amount of valuable marketing information in the members forum.

Tissa pays you $5.00 per referral that are in the step 1 level and these referrals are at the free option, so one gets paid for a referral that has not paid tissa a single cent.

So my question is, how is Tissa a scam when he pays for referrals that have not paid him anything.

In my opition Tissa is an honest man.

In know way should this comment be considered spam or promotional, I could care less if one thinks that it is. I am simply defending a business and a man that is being unfairly accused of being a scam.

In all honesty, one needs to know Tissa Godavitarne, before they cry "scam"!
He is one of the most decent, honest, and generous person I've ever met. The Acme People Search business is as legitimate as it gets, and like any legit business, if you work it you will succeed! There are some people out there, that are tempted for the $125.00 that Tissa is paying out of his pocket, as an incentive to motivate them to start right. But when they see that they have to do something too, in order to get the $125.00, they cry "scam!"

By far this is not a 'get rich quick' deal, it is a business, and if you want to make it, you need to promote it.

Kirsten I will check out your blog. I love your honest comment,

Mike Borlovan
I am an Acme People Search member and can say honestly, Tissa is NOT a Scam or Hoax. I have been paid for being a Super Sponsor which is one of the great benefits of this program. It's like any other online business-You get out of it what you put into it AND every business is not for everyone. I have been a part of many online programs and have never seen one that has such a vast community support forum.
Octars said…
There are LOTS of prove that Acme is Legit business , here's one :
Those who fail cry SCAM
which one are You?
People Search Rock!!
Max. said…
Hi im an 18 year old guy living in canada, upon a bored day i looked up ways to make money and ended up on Tissa's page, watched the tube video and tried to look further into this.... program scam buisness or whatever it could be. I also feel upon this blog while trying to verify what i'd been reading about him, and then seen that aparently he himself, commented in this forum. i am however really interested in knowing more and hoping that i could come in contact with him to learn about it. i am living on my own and a cpl gs a month sound grrreat. im not very comfortable with joing before knowing more. And i do not currently have a crdit card or paypal account. so, Mr. Tissa if you happen to read this. what should i do?
Anonymous said…
hi good am new at this and I just register the program tissa and complete the 3 steps now that sige? and complete the 3 steps and sige marked 65% and again I designed to complete step 3 because I designed it if you complete the 3 steps and enter my account number for pay pal I be charged the $ 29.90 dollars and asking me sige complete step 3 happens? esque'm new to this anyone knows where I hope to contact tissa good answer
Noche said…
I just want everyone to know that if they would like to have an online business for $1.33 a day with all the tools needed to make money online then join Tissa. The proof is in the payment history.

Tissa's proof of payments
Jeffrey Dani said…
Well I reckon the guy is brilliant, you have to create something that is unique.

I'm inspired by what he created.

The program suites certain people and does not suite other people.

Not all money making programs are 100% suited for everyone.

It's better to research your very own and find it.

Every program is good, its just that how you use it, that's the fun part of it...
I received an email the other day supposedly being invited to join Ash Mufareh's system when it opens up in the next few days. I think it has already opened and they are trying to make me feel like I need to take advantage of this one time offer. Anyway investigating ASH I found Tissa. It looks pretty legit. I am currently working from home with Leapforce but need to make a little more money a month doing something else. At first I would only be able to work about 5 hours a week until I start making money so I could work less at my current job. For anyone that has been using Tissa's program, can you tell me if you think 5 hours a week would be enough to get started. I would appreciate any advice.
VegsLine said…
You say in your youtube video a dozen times that you do not have to pay for anything, its free. Yet I hear everyones comments about $30 or $70 a month through paypal. I thought paying is a SCAM?
Also if you make so much money why do we have to pay for paypal accounts? Just take it out of our profits! Finally, I think you would have a lot more followers(making you even more money) if you paid the fees for us and had it 100% FREE. By you paying these small fees it would give you 1000's of more followers making you LOTS MORE MONEY!

Thanks, Bruno
VegsLine said…
could you please email me a follow up comment to my email about the last comment I had, thanks
joseph Mancia said…
First of all I would not consider a 1000 more followers that are looking for free-bees very desirable. It takes money to make money and I have never read anywhere that Tissa's program is free!!!!!!
Scam. Absolutely.

His particular genius is the ability to continually modify the terms and rules of the game under the guise of improving and evolving the program.

He completely controls all aspects of objective discussion and floods the internet with testimonials, while vehemently responding to opposing voices.

Additionally, he utilizes completely subjective and undocumented analyses of what constitutes "quality" of referrals and traffic.

No one knows the basis for his assessments, which are then used to deny payments.
Unknown said…
I just want to say that the people search is NOT free. All that the site tells you for FREE is the person's first and last name, middle initial, city, state, and country. Sometimes there are people with the same information, too! Then how can you tell who you are looking for? Also, it does cost SOME money, even though the man promised it to be ABSOULUTELY 100% free. Until someone better convinces me, I am not going to try this scam program... it just doesn't seem real. Also, I would feel bad about helping people stalk others and potentially cause major issues, like break-ins, etc. I wonder if he sees what he's doing?
Unknown said…
I was investigating GDI and I came across this website and some other internet making money programs. I actually listened to the webinar dated Feb 4, 2011 that introduces the concept of AMCE Phone Leads. I registered but I am having difficulty loging into my account. Also, I am in Canada, will APL be applicable here and will you not consider other people to be included in the priority notification list? A quick reply is sure appreciated. Many thanks! -Annamie
Anonymous said…
Hi Paula,

I was just wondering how come there has'nt been a comment on your blog since 2011 when in 2008 this was getting plenty of comments?

Also i cant seem to be able to find the acme people search website?
Paris David said…
Hey Ricky 1981 -

I see I still have great ranking in the Google SERPS on Tissa Godavitarne, so perhaps there haven't been any new comments because I changed my comment settings to require a bit more information to cut back on spam comments.

And it looks like is still alive and well to me, as far as I can tell.
Unknown said…
Tissa Godavitarne is a super-affiliate because he dominates as a GDI Leader thanks to a program he uses called, "Acme-People-Search". He claims to have a "secret recipe" for succeeding in affiliate marketing. The secret has to do with and being able to complete steps in the process that assure tons of signups. There are mixed comments about the search engine setup and process of making money according to forums where posters disagree with each other about whether or not Tissa's "secret" is a real moneymaking idea or a scam. Also, I checked ripoff report and there was no complaint there although there was some forums that had some negative feelings about him calling a scam. But then again you can't please everyone in this world. Even Sears, Amazon, Microsoft has negative talk and a bunch of complaints. Their is a wise saying that says "The power of an idea is measured in direct proportion to how it is opposed.
Unknown said…
Tissa Godavitarne is a super-affiliate because he dominates as a GDI Leader thanks to a program he uses called, "Acme-People-Search". He claims to have a "secret recipe" for succeeding in affiliate marketing. The secret has to do with and being able to complete steps in the process that assure tons of signups. There are mixed comments about the search engine setup and process of making money according to forums where posters disagree with each other about whether or not Tissa's "secret" is a real moneymaking idea or a scam. Also, I checked ripoff report and there was no complaint there although there was some forums that had some negative feelings about him calling a scam. But then again you can't please everyone in this world. Even Sears, Amazon, Microsoft has negative talk and a bunch of complaints. Their is a wise saying that says "The power of an idea is measured in direct proportion to how it is opposed.

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