I've told you before that I happily got checks from Amazon UK and Amazon Germany pretty promptly. Well I also very happily received a "cheque" from Amazon France too, but their process was a bit slower and trickier. After plenty of emailing thru their contact form, I received my Nov 2007 earnings cheque on 3/31/2008. Amazon France requires you to send them an invoice first, with the following info completed: Dear Associate, Thank you for contacting us. Following your request we apologize for our previous message but we remind you that to process to any payment, we legally need an invoice in France. So before to be able to send any cheque we need from you an invoice. You can use the model below and send through the link below (just use Alta Vist Babel Fish to translate to English): http://partenaires.amazon.fr/gp/associates/contact ============================================ Le (date du jour) Facture n° (un numero de facture, par exemple AMZ01) Objet : Commissions d...