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Showing posts from March, 2011

Get more website visitors and hits with Build My Rank

I promised to tell you guys about my secret weapon that I found through another guy's blog. It's called Build My Rank and the website is getting a lot of buzz and is a brilliant idea, in my opinion. For example, I just wrote a page about hair stuff on my other website -- but what's the use of it sitting there if no one knows it's there? In the past I tried to be a good little girl and follow the rules that said "just write great content and readers will come." Now I'm realizing what faulty advice that can be in the online and real worlds. Backlinks are important things. I'm no longer waiting around for years for them to happen naturally -- although I love when the Spirit of God makes my post go viral supernaturally! I'm already into my free trial on Build My Rank and have written my own articles over there -- check out the site to see what I mean. And I noticed that one of my pages has climbed to position 20-something on Google, t...

Does rel="follow" work and pass on link juice from no-follow blogs?

Lately it's been so cool... I've been dreaming in HTML sometimes, with God giving me dreams and tips about how to grow this writing business. I had a dream that getting link juice passed was as easy as typing out the code in HTML, with 16 backlinks all passed in one "a href" hyperlink and me specifying the 16 sites all in the hyperlink code. Would that it were that easy, but I know I'm getting clues to how to rise in Google's ranking. (My secret weapon is coming up in the next post, I promise! No more teasing...) Another dream showed me automated code, which was a hint to keep pursuing various types of auto-posting and auto-blogging , even after the Google slap. But that I'll do cautiously, and not on domains that I really care about. Which "follow" codes work in the eyes of Google? This guy asked if a rel="follow" will affect the "nofollow" attribute , and the answer still seems up in the air and unanswered totally...

Why don't blogspot links show on Yahoo site explorer?

I'm all about the backlinks lately, now that I'm finally understanding their importance in the eyes of Google. So nearly every day I've been popping link: into the Yahoo search box on my toolbar, or the specific detailed link to pages that I'm watching grow in rank: I choose "Except from this domain" from the drop-down menu to see what links are making it back to the pages I want. Naturally, since this Blogspot blog is trusted in Google's eyes, with a Pagerank 4 , I've linked to other sites from here, b...

Publishing on Kindle: How to get your Microsoft Word doc published as a Kindle book, or on Kindle Singles

I just wrote a superlong post describing how to publish a book on Kindle using Microsoft Word and now I'm looking forward to publishing a book on Kindle Singles. It's wonderful how Kindle Singles can be a minimum of 5,000 words . Heck, that post I wrote about publishing your own Kindle book was more than 2,000 words, so that's nearly half-way to a Kindle Singles book right there! Apparently there's an approval process for books to be considered for the Kindle Singles program (they list an email address to contact), but any books that don't make it as a Kindle Singles are still allowed to remain on Amazon. Hopefully readers will look at the details and get an idea about the page length before they buy the book, but for Kindle books priced at only 99 cents each, that would be a great bargain either way. Folks are used to assigning value to the things they see on Amazon, and used to paying money for books, mostly, as opposed to getting them free. Heck, jus...

How are your pageviews?

This post has been overdue -- in my brain and heart for a little while, but I've been waiting to see if things would turn around. Ever since the Google Panda-Content Farms-Farmer update shook up the online world, I've been reading from a lot of different perspectives how it's affecting some folks. I can't necessarily get a good estimation of how much the Google update has affected my pageviews because I haven't been writing as much for the site as I used to back when it was so easy to get views. To tell you the truth, it's frustrating when I see those "your piece wasn't deemed Google News-worthy" emails from them that we didn't used to get. Still grateful for channels where I see I've pulled in over 1,500 views bringing more than 10 bucks for a previous day where I might not have even logged onto Examiner. And just like in the past, God is using one closing door to open better ones -- like when I temporarily lost ran...

Why did ToysRUs remove me from their affiliate program?

I got the below email -- twice in fact -- notifying me that ToysRUs has kicked me out of their referral program without much explanation. They are a part of network, and it's no big whoop to me because I don't remember making a ton of money through them anyway. Perhaps it's the youtube videos I did on my channel that got too popular? I will investigate. Dear PAULA MOONEY: We regret to inform you that has removed you from their affiliate program. Merchants may remove affiliates from their programs for many different reasons, including violation of legal terms, inactivity, changes in site content, etc. If you feel that you have been removed in error, or would like further clarification on why you were removed, please contact LinkShare manages hundreds of other affiliate programs. We encourage you to log in and find other merchants with whom you may want to partner.

I am blogging to Blogger-Blogspot from my Droid phone app

I just learned that not only is Google Blogger coming out with a major redesign sometime this year, but the same article taught me about this official Blogger for Droid app that I am now using to write this post. Boy, blogging sure has come a long way since I first started in 2005... and I love the possibilities. Now, how can I blog to my sites from my Droid phone? That's my next quest.