Publishing on Kindle: How to get your Microsoft Word doc published as a Kindle book, or on Kindle Singles
I just wrote a superlong post describing how to publish a book on Kindle using Microsoft Word and now I'm looking forward to publishing a book on Kindle Singles.
It's wonderful how Kindle Singles can be a minimum of 5,000 words.
Heck, that post I wrote about publishing your own Kindle book was more than 2,000 words, so that's nearly half-way to a Kindle Singles book right there!
Apparently there's an approval process for books to be considered for the Kindle Singles program (they list an email address to contact), but any books that don't make it as a Kindle Singles are still allowed to remain on Amazon.
Hopefully readers will look at the details and get an idea about the page length before they buy the book, but for Kindle books priced at only 99 cents each, that would be a great bargain either way.
Folks are used to assigning value to the things they see on Amazon, and used to paying money for books, mostly, as opposed to getting them free.
Heck, just today I thanked God that I found the How Not to Look Old: Fast and Effortless Ways to Look 10 Years Younger, 10 Pounds Lighter, 10 Times Better
book waiting just for me as I searched for in a Borders that was closing, and therefore couldn't search on the computer for in-stock items.
Anyway, my point is that people are used to paying for books -- not blog posts or other stuff websites try to put behind a pay wall.
If you're an expert on a topic, why not pop out at least 5,000 words on it, give it a good, well-searched-for title that people can find once it's on and see how many Kindle books you can sell?
Heck, with a 5,000 word minimum, I could seriously make my goal of publishing a book per month that I thought about doing earlier this year.
It's wonderful how Kindle Singles can be a minimum of 5,000 words.
Heck, that post I wrote about publishing your own Kindle book was more than 2,000 words, so that's nearly half-way to a Kindle Singles book right there!
Apparently there's an approval process for books to be considered for the Kindle Singles program (they list an email address to contact), but any books that don't make it as a Kindle Singles are still allowed to remain on Amazon.
Hopefully readers will look at the details and get an idea about the page length before they buy the book, but for Kindle books priced at only 99 cents each, that would be a great bargain either way.
Folks are used to assigning value to the things they see on Amazon, and used to paying money for books, mostly, as opposed to getting them free.
Heck, just today I thanked God that I found the How Not to Look Old: Fast and Effortless Ways to Look 10 Years Younger, 10 Pounds Lighter, 10 Times Better
Anyway, my point is that people are used to paying for books -- not blog posts or other stuff websites try to put behind a pay wall.
If you're an expert on a topic, why not pop out at least 5,000 words on it, give it a good, well-searched-for title that people can find once it's on and see how many Kindle books you can sell?
Heck, with a 5,000 word minimum, I could seriously make my goal of publishing a book per month that I thought about doing earlier this year.
~Vanessa Morgan,