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Showing posts from September, 2009

Google Trends 40 Items on Google Trends List Down from 100 -- Is this a new trend?

Google Trends 40 Items on Google Trends List Down from 100 -- Is this a new trend? I just woke up to see only 40 items and popular search terms on Google Trends list today. Normally, the Google Trends list has 100 terms instead of 40. I wonder why they shortened the list to 40 and if it will stay this way, instead of 100? I always wanted the list longer, not shorter. Maybe too many people were gaming it, or using it to post automated garbage and virus stuff. I don't know. What do you think about Google Trends list being shorter at 40 now? C'est la vie...

How Much Does Pay Writers? I made $3,674.31 in Sept 2009 from

How Much Does Pay Writers? I made $3,674.31 in Sept 2009 from Update: ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–· income update - Examiner still not a scam, my pay is about $1,000 for the month | PAULA NEAL MOONEY Apply to Write for here now... Also see: ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·Get more website traffic visitors on, add Google Analytics tracking code and study it | PAULA NEAL MOONEY More updates as of Sunday, September 20, 2009 -- I'm still overjoyed with the money I've been blessed to make with -- over $2,289 in 20 days. Like Examiner says, be prolific and relevant. So to those who apply to, send them your best writing samples -- especially if you have good stuff you've published online that proves you can draw an audience. Here's my most recent earnings: I'm so satisfied with thus far that I've got to put up my earnings -- close to $100 earned after only writing 11 articles. My first article went ...

ā–¼ā–¼ā–¼ Get more people to visit your blog by using these free SEO tips...

ā–¼ā–¼ā–¼ Get more people to visit your blog by using these free SEO tips... I recently got into an email chat with Kevin from about strategies for getting more people to visit our blogs -- and though he's more into building a readership (which is great) than fast, newsy, SEO traffic -- I thought I'd post up the tips I gave him in an email, since I was just comment chatting with Jodi over at Values, Reviews, Business about learning SEO to drive more traffic to her site. Anyway, here are the tips I gave Kevin in the email, which I'm hoping will help my other readers: I generally check Google Trends daily when I want a lot of traffic. (Also, don't forget to check Twitter's trending topics.) Then I pick a topic to post about, and post about a lot of them. Google Trends updates every hour. For example, my 2nd-most popular post at that moment was about WormShield recall . I hadn't even heard of WormShield nor the recall until I saw "wormshield recall...