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Showing posts from January, 2009

Michelle Obama pregnant rumors confuse Newsweek writer Raina Kelley's pregnancy with Obama's wife...

Update: Now Perez Hilton has added more fire to the "Michelle Obama pregnant" rumors and searches. But the more time passes, the more I don't know if she is or not. Michelle Obama in her Own Words: The Views and Values of America's First Lady If it's true, it will be quite the blessed event! Just imagine...a new baby in the White House. Can you say Barack Obama, Jr.? Or would that be the third? And once again the "Michelle Obama pregnant" searches ensue. Must be that dress Michelle Obama wore Election Night that's causing people to once again Google: Michelle Obama pregnant? Yeah she is -- pregnant with possibilities! All joking aside, I don't think Michelle Obama is literally preggers with a baby. I think she just prefers to wear her dresses a little bigger than her thin frame. She still looks fabulous to me! Congatulations Barack and Michelle Obama on your win for the White House and God Speed! AUGUST 25, 2008 UPDATE ON MICHELLE OBAMA PREGNANT...

Visa Black Card Affiliates - New CJ Advertiser...

I first caught consciousness of the new Visa black card when I was watching "Getting the Word Out," my church's daily program featuring Pastor RA Vernon preaching. During one segment where they showed how easy it is to log on to to pay our tithes online, I noticed the person in the video had a black card that they were using to enter as a sample of a person giving online. I'll bet you it was a Visa black card. So when I saw that Visa black card was a new advertiser -- I couldn't help but apply for the program. And then I got in. Why would anyone want a Visa black card? That's what I asked myself, especially spying that hefty annual fee (heftier than my Amex annual fee) in light of this debt-filled economy? Maybe it's for the 24-Hour Concierge Service that's a big selling point of the Visa black card. But more than likely, I believe it's the prestige a Visa black card offers to the limited " 1% of U.S. Residents to ensure ...

Can you redirect Apple Store customers from Google Adwords straight to the Apple Store? I think so...

UPDATE: After I wrote this post, thanks to God alive that the thought came to me: Maybe I should ask the Apple Store / CJ Affiliate Manager this question... So I sent off the bottom text of this blog post in an email -- asking when my commission would jump to 3% -- since Black Friday on the Apple Store was so good to me, with over $56,000 in sales generated. Lo and behold, this morning I logged into to my CJ account to see another $561.00 plus in there. Turns out the below wording " For Total Sales Amount equal to or greater than $16,000.00 USD increase commission by 100.00% . " is true -- they took my 1% commission of around $561 based on those $56,000 sales and gave me another $561 in my CJ account. So it's 100% of your commission amount that they'll give you if you hit more than $16,000 in sales generated. But it seems like it didn't happen till that still, small voice told me to e-mail them. So if you're hawking and pitching Apple Store affiliate program p...

Scam Email: Renew Google Adwords Account Now, Or Adwords Account Will Be Deleted...

If you're a curious sort like me, and go checking your Gmail spam folder just in case any valid emails go there, maybe you saw the recent email warning you to renew your Google Adwords account, or else all hell-fire would fall down on you and they'd cancel your account. Don't fall for it. It's a phishing scam -- maybe like the other Google Adwords account phishing scam out of China, designed to get your credit card information. To be safe, any messages Adwords needs to get to you -- those you can pick up by just logging into your Adwords account and checking the billing section therein. Not via some scammy email link.

What are your most popular blog posts?

If you've been at this blogging thing for a while, you know that some of your blog posts bring you steady traffic -- no matter what you do. Maybe you got in on the ground floor of a trend when you wrote it. Maybe you fooled readers into thinking it was something dirty -- a trick I've employed in the past. Maybe you just wrote the blog post so well and SEO'd it just right -- and Google loved it. Whatever happened, a certain set of blog posts inevitably bring you web traffic and readers even if you don't touch the web for a week. So what are your most popular blog posts? I'll show you mine, now show me yours! But seriously folks, one thing our most popular posts can teach us is how to create more. Learning lessons from what we did in the past just might help us to recreate it. So here are some of my most popular posts from this blog: Webpage 83 32

āœˆ ā–Œā–ŒPlane Flying into Two Buildings on Google Trends List? Who put it there, and how the hell do they game Google Trends?

āœˆ ā–Œā–Œ That's the shocking symbol that I just saw on Google Trends list today -- Tuesday, January 6, 208 at 12:52 pm Eastern Time zone -- in the number 2 position on Google Trends list, listed as volcanic. So who are these people that game Google like that? And how do they do it? I'll bet you Google will get the āœˆ ā–Œā–Œ symbol down ASAP, but I wonder where the leak is in their system that's allowing offensive stuff like this to get in?

ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜… Adwords Account Under Review? Stay away from the Rx and prescription ads...

Yesterday I wrote a post called ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜… Adwords Not Updating? Adwords Showing No Impressions, No Clicks?ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜… -- well, it turns out my Adwords account was under review! I got so depressed last night. Just when I was all excited about implementing all the Adwords techniques I'd just learned in the EXCELLENT book Mastering Search Advertising: How the Top 3% of Search Advertisers Dominate Google AdWords and from James over at Dominating Amazon , I noticed my Adwords impressions (and therefore clicks) had halted around midnight this past Saturday. I awoke Sunday morning to see all zeros in my Adwords account -- and I knew something was up. By the time I came home from church, it was still all zeros. And no one else seemed to have the Adwords zero impressions problem. At least, the Adwords ads dropping from MANY to zero impressions, that is. My Adwords Account Was Under Review... I Googled around for "Adwords drops to no impressions" and "Adwords drops to zero impressions...

Adwords Not Updating? Adwords Showing No Impressions, No Clicks?

What's up with Adwords today? I pray it's just Adwords updating something -- because since around Midnight last night, I've seen no activity, no clicks, no impressions, when it was just showing lots of them yesterday. I pray it's just a Google Adwords update going on. Maybe it's God's way of telling me to get up, get out and get to church! I just watched these fascinating videos of formerly known as Vanity -- now Denise K. Matthews talk about her upcoming book, Blame it on Vanity: Denise Matthews aka Vanity on TBN Pt.1 (12/4/08) Formally of the group Vanity 6 Official website: - Dec 20, 2008 - 15 days ago - (2 Ratings) - - Rate: / ... "Denise Matthews" Vanity TBN "vanity 6" "nasty girl" "Pretty mess" ... / ... "Denise Matthews ... Watch this video on Video from View thu...

ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜… Get more website visitors - Make your blog titles stand out in Google...

I was reading thru my Google Reader feeds last night, and someone on a techie forum posted a thread that began with these stars in the title: ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜… "Oh, I'm grabbing that!" I thought to myself. You see, ever since I learned on that adding symbols to your blog/post titles can make them stand out more in Google's search-engine results pages, I've been playing around with different symbols to see which ones make my blogs more clickable. One glance at my posts over on Watch Free Episodes will show you the symbols I've favored in the past: 60 38 20 15 But I like to experiment. And that star ...

ā˜…ā˜…ā˜…ā˜… Sell More Amazon Associates Products - Tips To Try and Increase Your Amazon Referral Income and Sales Online....

Want to sell more Amazon Associates products? Grab my rss feed and add me to your Google Reader to keep up with future posts listing my Amazon Associates income take... Nearing the end of December 2008, my Amazon Associates sales and earnings figures look like this: Total items shipped 409 Referral Rate (Increase this to 8.00% by referring 222 more items) 7.50% Referral Fees $2,021.90 Gift Certificate/Card Earnings $6.00 Kindle Subscription Earnings $0.00 Prime Subscription Earnings $0.00 TOTAL EARNINGS THIS MONTH $2,027.90 Now before you get all jealous, realize that I've spent about $1,184.58 in Adwords advertising to promote Amazon Associates and other affiliate program products that allow you to advertise them. Update: I discovered I was linking to Amazon from Google Adwords the wrong way. If you advertise Amazon products via Google Adwords, make sure your URLs are formatted like this, for example, with your tag at the end:

Slumdog Millionaire Dance Video - Watch Slumdog Millionaire Dance Video Online...

If you haven't seen Slumdog Millionaire yet, may I just tell you it's amazing and sad and familiar and horrible all at once. (Find out info about the Slumdog Millionaire DVD here ...) If anything, I'm hoping that the raw and real plotline of the plight of the future "Slumdog Millionaire" in the slums of India will make us all more compassionate for suffering children around the globe. In the meantime, watch this amazing Slumdog Millionaire dance sequence YouTube video from the end of the movie -- but be forewarned, it might be a spoiler! Just wait till you see the whole movie. Labels:slumdog millionaire,slumdog millionaire plot,slumdog,slumdog millionaire full movie,slumdog millionare,slumdog millionaire movie,slumdog millionaire review,slumdog movie,watch slumdog millionaire online,movie slumdog millionaire,slumdog millionaire soundtrack,video of slumdog millionaire credits dance,play slumdog millionaire,soundtrack,slumdog millionaire ebook,slumdog millionaire o...