Skip to main content -- Proof that Google can index a new niche website in 4 days

2007 Fantasy Football Free Advice, Draft Strategies, Injury Reports, Rankings, Help Win Draft League
by Paula Neal Mooney is a website about the 2007 fantasy football season and beyond, a site that my husband and I have been holed up creating the last few days.

Ever since learning about the successes of folks I met at BlogHer07, having fun and making nearly $12,000 per year off one niche site alone, I've been intrigued with setting up new niche sites.

My readers are responded well to the idea, and are setting up niche sites of their own, so I thought I'd add my thoughts to other tips on how to get those sites indexed by Google fast:

1 - Buy your domain name for more than 1 year
I read somewhere that Google looks at the expiration date of your dot com name -- if it expires in a year, they don't treat it as seriously as those with longer periods. For that reason I extended my to two years, and my husband bought for 5 years.

2 - Get a link from a website with PageRank 5 or higher
This guy says a link from a PR6 or higher blog will get you indexed in under 3 days by Google. Thank God my PR for this blog is PR5, and I found that a link from it also helped get the new sites indexed faster. (I was pleasantly surprised to see that the 2007 fantasy football site was being indexed by Google within about 4 days after setting it up.)

It also helps if you get the link from a site that is already being indexed by Google.

The same guy lists sites where you can buy a link from a high PR site and get immediately indexed for good, but another person said that if you buy a link for only a month or so then the site no longer links to you after that period, you'll get unindexed by Google.

Make money online by setting up a niche website and using AdMinded Wide WordPress ThemeI'm not sure about this one, but if you're desperado to get your new niche site indexed, it may be worth the money. (And speaking of money, notice that all the new niche sites we've set up use the AdsMinded Wide Wordpress Theme to optimize ad payouts. I'm lovin' WordPress!)

3 - Create a lot of great content with great anchor text... 2007 fantasy football or Noel Gourdin or whatever upcoming hotly-searched-for niche topic you love writing about.

The more pages you consistently create around your anchor text and topic, the more URLs Google will have to index, some faster than others. This same guy once again has interesting ideas for getting Google to index these pages instead of submitting the URLs to Google, which is what I swear by doing after each post.

4 - Get a good and current sitemap submitted
As soon as you get all your new blog posts created, follow the steps I laid out in Step #9 here explaining how to get a sitemap uploaded in Google's Webmaster Tools for Blogspot, WordPress and other blogs.

I've found a sitemap integral to getting Google to crawl my pages.

I think that's it for now.

If you recognize some new trend in a crowded market, or a non-existent market -- consider setting up a new niche site about it, if that's your passion.

And as always, don't forget to come back and comment and as my grandma used to say:

"Tell me all about it..."

Paula Neal MooneyHey! Where ya going? Don't leave without:
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  • And check out my other sites:,Find The Answers,Noel Gourdin's Website and 2007 Fantasy Football Free Advice sites.


    Anonymous said…
    Lady... you have got some kind of gall. I check my stats for my site and I find that you have HOTLINKED a 218 KB image from my site. You stole it, without permission, but what's worse, you didn't even have the decency to steal it outright and host it yourself--instead, you linked EVERY PAGE OF YOUR SITE to the image DIRECTLY on MY site, so that *I* have to pay for every time someone views ANY page on your site. In just the past 9 days, you have caused that image to be stolen from my site and pasted on to your own no fewer than 17,792 times--meaning that you have stolen almost FOUR GIGABYTES of my bandwidth for this month.

    For someone who quotes scripture, you sure have a bizarre way of showing your "morality." I would write it off as a simple error, your not knowing what hotlinking is... except that a comment that YOU posted on your blog shows that you know EXACTLY what hotlinking is.

    Here's some scripture for you: THOU SHALT NOT STEAL. Or didn't you learn that one? Or perhaps is your piousness a fraud?

    Just be glad that you stole from someone who is not a vengeful person, or the image might have been substituted with something a lot less pleasant than a text message.

    Fixing the problem will be simple: REMOVE the link to the image from your blog. And in the future, NEVER hotlink an image that you don't own unless you have EXPRESS permission from the owner of the site that you want to hotlink from.

    You might also want to post something on your blog, telling people not to hotlink without permission. It's wrong.


    Owner & Admin
    kystorms said…
    to the person who left this "comment" above mine -
    it is a total shame when one blog owner cant even take the time to privately email this person about this problem, and instead felt the need to blast in public, this makes you seem childish and very unprofessional.
    Shame on you for doing such a thing, grow up and act like a person who has feelings of care for another human being.
    Paris David said…
    My goodness.

    Usually I find images to link to from other free hosting sites where bandwidth is not an issue.

    I did not realize that linking to your image would carry it over to every page of this free site 17,792 times.

    Obviously, since this is a free Blogger site, I don't need to steal bandwidth from anyone.

    Forgive me. You are correct.

    I should not have linked to your photo.

    I was wrong.

    Thank you, it has been removed.

    Anonymous said…
    Wow, it is very admirable how quickly you respond to comments, Paula. Obviously you were not intending to harm this person's site. Coincidentally the Hotlink was helping him with the search engines but I guess that's his loss.
    Anonymous said…
    Paula: thanks for the apology and the removal. Sorry I got so hot-headed, but quite frankly, this is a huge problem for me, and not by a long-shot the first time it has happened. Time after time after time, it has caused me a great deal of time, trouble, and expense... and seeing as how the image was clearly on every page of the blog, seeing as how you were aware of the number of hits you were getting, and seeing as how you knew what hotlinks were, I didn't really see much room for error. My apologies if I over-reacted.

    Kystorms, Wentworth, I appreciate your comments but I do not think you would feel the same way if you were on the receiving end of things. Hotlinking is similar to someone not only stealing your mobile phone but then proceeding to make endless long-distance phone calls on it which you are then charged for. It is not a trivial matter.

    Put the shoe on the other foot: what if your cell phone were stolen, not once, but a hundred times, and each time, you got charged for calls made on that phone. Each time you would have to take time out to search down the place the phone was stolen to, deal with getting it recovered and other elements of the aftermath... By the 100th time this happened, if either of you then "act like adults" and "care for another human being" who did that to you, congratulations. Something tells me you would not be quite so sympathetic if you were on the short end of that.
    Paris David said…
    Thank you Luis, Lisa and Wentworth for all coming back and commenting on the volatile situation.

    I appreciate all my readers, and I love how this has been brought to a peaceful resolution.

    Take care and happy weekend,
    Anonymous said…
    I'm happy to see that the situation has been solved... anyway I still have to say something.

    Why Paula you hotlink images from free hosting sites? I think it's not as bad as your mistake, but still isn't fair. If you link from blogger to blogger is ok, but if you link from your site (on Dreamhost for example) to an image on a freesite that maybe is fighting with bandwidth too isn't fair IMHO.
    You surely have plenty of bandwidth (I know you use DH so you have a lot of it) so I think you should stop to hotlink. This is my opinion and I'd like to hear other people's opinion about that. Maybe I'm wrong.

    Anyway I wanted to tell you something else.

    I'm not 100% sure that the tips you gave on that post are true. For example the DNS duration of an url. I can't have my url older than 2 year because my provider has the url linked to the hosting plan so the maximum is 2 years. I'm sure Google is aware of that.

    Second thing, I'm sure there is some kind of link density to take into account. If you link to your site too many times it could be seen as spam.

    What do you think?
    well,i support paula.i believe she is not doing that intentionally.anyway paula,great design of your blog!
    Paris David said…
    Thanks Maurizio and Constructicle Boy for your comments.

    Yes, Maurizio, I'm glad that the URLs we purchase can be purchased for five years or whatever period we want.

    And thanks, Constructicle Boy -- I'm really realizing the importance of where I link my images from.

    Thank God most people are understanding.

    Have a great weekend all!
    Anonymous said…
    This has been a very informative post. I am planning to create a new website. So, I am going to take all your advice in consideration. Thanks.
    Anonymous said…
    You can add one more tip to that. Social bookmarking on sites like delicious, technorati or digg can also get you indexed real fast.
    Anonymous said…
    Although I wasn't planning on creating another niche website I have and the past few weeks I have been focusing on my newer websites. My alternative healing website is currently receiving more hits than my "established" website which is almost three years old.

    I get a lot of hits their Vegan Momma but HYN, the past week has been passing it a few times week. This week I beat my numbers by over 100%. This past Saturday I discovered that the alternative website wasn't indexed in Google.
    I corrected that mistake and it was indexed the same day. I've had it since May.

    My traffic on Satuday beat VeganMomma by over 100%. It's amazing that the website was beating my regular websites with only 17% hits from search engines.

    Vegan Momma however gets at least 70% from search engine traffic. I cannot wait to see what my numbers look like with my newer website in a few months.

    Before the indexing my biggest numbers apparently have been Stumbled Upon a lot of people have been stumbling my article.

    I tend to agree with the previous reader if you link too much to your own websites Google might look at it as spam. Matt Cutts has mentioned this on his blog. He is the head of Google's WebSpam team. I use Wordpress.

    I link to my blogs by putting them in my sidebar. I also have a feed set up on my sidebar so my readers can see what I've been writing about on my other websites.

    Keep up the excellent work Paula!
    drvynum said…
    did that actually happened that you got someone else picture copied and ate his 4gigabytes of bandwidth.:))
    Paris David said…
    Hi Opal -

    Thanks; that's some great feedback.

    Isn't it amazing how well niche sites can do?

    Your comment has solidified my resolve to create another one.

    And thanks for the info about Google.

    Hey drvynum -
    I'm not sure how much bandwidth was involved, but I'm glad it's all over with now.

    Happy day,
    Anonymous said…
    Thanks for all the hints. It will also help you if you are about to create a non-niche site. Even if some of them won't work, they will not harm...
    Anonymous said…

    It is! If I could do it over I would definitely have done things differently with Vegan Momma. However I'm applying what I learned to my newer websites. :-)

    I started changing Vegan Momma It's gradually turning into something I should have been doing all along but almost three years ago I blogged because I wanted to keep an online journal about my daughter. I've changed a lot.

    I used to do a lot of linking with my other website until I read Matt Cutts blog post. I added him to my reader after that.

    I think is "ok" but might not be acceptable with search engines. There are so many rules! lol

    Early this morning I finally purchased The SEO Book by Aaron Wall early this morning. I had read so many reviews about it. I've only started reading it, but I wish I had bought it when I started my websites over five years ago. The information I'm seeing already would have helped me with my regular websites along with my blogs! It's an ebook and is a little over 300 pages, but he includes a lot of extra books also he offers a free 15 minute consultation. It looks promising and I’ll be putting a lot of his suggestions into practice with my newer websites.

    It differs from other SEO ebooks I've seen in that It continually receive updates free of charge. I really don’t know too much about SEO so I figured if I want to create these new blogs correctly It might be smart to learn more about SEO.

    I look forward to seeing how your niche blogs perform.
    Anonymous said…
    I agree with all these tactics. I would like to confirm if you buy a link on a web site for a month or so and then they no longer link to you your site will no longer get indexed. In the past I have purchaed many links from ebay sellers for a month or 3 months. Once they remove your link(s) your no longet indexed. So I would suggest buying permenant links only.

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