This weekend I took an interesting journey around the blogosphere, poking around the blogs of the potential 2007 Black Weblog Award winners.
Who knew there were famous people on this list?
I stumbled across the blog of Shavar Ross, a guy I used to watch on Diff'rent Strokes when I was but a wee girl fawning over Todd Bridges.
So cool to see that Shavar is still in the writing, directing and producing game -- I just might download his Lord Help Us
Anyway, I left him a semi-ranting comment to put up an email sign-up box and turn on the Feedburner subscriptions to gain more readers -- you'd be surprised how many of the other folks on the list need to do the same.
As you can see, Shavar gave me some link love so I'm throwing it right back at him (and I hope he's a do follower!)

Of course I had to vote for my boy Cheynne Chong from Nerd With Swag, and Jim D. Walton from Black in Business.

There's already been drama over one 2007 Black Weblog Award would-be winner replaced by another. But overall, the experience has been very positive and bonding.
You can vote for whomever you think the 2007 Black Weblog Award Winners should be here.
Apparently...heck yeah!
Like Lynne D. Johnson, a Fast Company writer I met in Chicago at BlogHer. She's one of the judges.
And they are some intriguing female blogs on the list, like the one written by the fake Janice Combs.

"Do I talk like a white girl?"
Having been called my share of "white girl," I left her a comment in a sea of others commiserating with her and telling her she should make money via her own site if she can, because I don't think LiveVideo.com pays anything, huh?
So vote today for whomever you think should win the 2007 Black Weblog awards, because voting ends August 31, 2007 -- and the winners will be announced September 5, 2007.
Bless 'em all!

And check out my other sites:
WatchFreeEpisodes.com,Find The Answers,Noel Gourdin's Website and 2007 Fantasy Football Free Advice sites.
I used to get the white girl comments quite often when I was younger. I still occasionally get them.
Black Rednecks and White Liberals is a book by Thomas Sowell, and he talks about this briefly. It was an interesting read.
Yeah, it's wild to see someone blogging that I watched on TV!
And that does sound like an interesting book. I'll look it up...
Fake Janice Combsbr/>
(I'll have to put that wig on over half a head full of microbraids. Wink, wink...Fabulous!)