Google Pagerank is important.
To put it simply, Google assigns a rank ranging from 0 - 10 to determine how important a website is or isn't.
Zero means little importance, 10 means you're as important as, well...Google.com
Check your Google Pagerank right here with this tool, seeing as though there's this big debate over the accuracy of the pagerank displayed on the toolbar right now.
For the longest time my Google Pagerank was sitting at a paltry 2, even though I did all the stuff that techies swear would help, including linking to my own blog a lot.
Increasing Google Pagerank from 2 to 5
Finally, the other day -- after I'd written an envious comment or two on other blogs excited over their Pagerank increases -- I noticed that the little green line on my Google Pagerank toolbar had moved to the middle when I was sitting on my blog's home page.
I was so excited to see my Pagerank jump to a five, I took the above screenshot.
What's the big deal about Google Pagerank?
For me, who knew nothing about Pagerank mere months ago, PR -- as they call it -- has become a gold mine.
More and more sites that pay bloggers for individual blog posts (sign-up for free email updates to find out more about getting paid to blog and such) use Google Pagerank as one of the factors to determine how much that blog is worth.
Just look at this guy selling PR 5 one-way links for 40 bucks a pop!
So PR matters.
It matters so much, before mine jumped to a five, I hunted down the Google employee in charge of Pagerank and asked him why my PR was so low.
He told me to breathe, take up yoga, and diagnosed that I was suffering from PRO -- pagerank obsession -- and led me to Webmaster Central for tips.
Join the Dofollow Movement and Increase Your Pagerank...
Linking to myself so much (like in my byline above, which links to my homepage) or leaving comments on other blogs with something called NOFOLLOW attributes in the code didn't help me at all.
Basically, if I left a comment on somebody's site and signed it http://paulamooney.blogspot.com, for example, and they have NOFOLLOW attributes set up in their code, that bit of comment spamming would get me nowhere.
However, if I left http://paulamooney.blogspot.com in the comment section of somebody's blog who was kind enough to remove those NOFOLLOW attributes, Google would count that towards my pagerank.
So do this stuff and let me know if your pagerank increases in the next 3 - 4 months of active commenting on DOFOLLOW blogs and linking to yourself on your own blog:
(1) Read and act on the advice of Andy Beard, who spells out in this post how to remove the nofollow attributes on your blog.
(2) Join DOFOLLOW blogrolls like those at Tricia's Musings.

(4) Link back to your main blog on any other blogs or sites you author, and make sure to remove those NOFOLLOW attributes, too, if you can. This is what I do -- at least the linking to my main blog -- from my dad's tax blog and another blog I author.
But I just reminded myself to go check those NOFOLLOW attributes too!
With time and lots of good "do following," your Google Pagerank should steadily increase...
LOL...I don't see your PageRank in that screenshot.
Now...girlfriend...be careful on who you give the link love too, because if they have pageranks of ) to...say 4...they will contribute to bringing your links down, for giving them outgoing links.
I'm not being a link whore, but read this article...
PageRank on my How Can I Do That blog!
But the most important thing you should know is that the pagerank you see on the toolbar is updated only every 4-5 months..
And don't worry too much about it on comments. Google's engineers are smart enough to understand that comment links are not as important as article's links. So if I write here Check Technorati Favorites Tool (which is on a PR3 site) it shouldn't give away your PR rating too much.
Just wanted to comment that I still watch your blog for tip.
The "dofollow" comments do work.
Bonnie - I'm headed over to check out your piece.
Maurizio - Yeah, I read that those toolbar PRs differ from the internal PR. I believe that PR checker I listed shows the internal PR...
I'm still gonna run you Technorati Favorites Tool to see who's favorited me and who I need to badger! Just kidding...
Lisa - Seems like I was stuck on a PR of 2 for months and months. I read Google updates every 3 - 4 months, but mine didn't update a few months ago when everyone else's did. I really believe the DOFOLLOW movement helped.
Hey Michael - Which Michael are you? Please enable your Blogger profile, if you will...
Hey Tanyetta! Fishbone lady!
Thanks, Laura. Congrats to you too!
Any and every blogger can participate in "Feed My Feed," but I'm to specifiy 3 to add to the blogroll.
Hope you're game. ;-)
Participation details are at http://southsidestar.blogspot.com
So...if you're interested in making money off your blog thru ad revenue, paid blogging sites, etc., the higher you get towards a PR of 10, the better.
I also got a nice increase in PR, but didn't make it to 5!
The way most people make money blogging is by running ads on their blogs and by getting paid to write posts -- and for referring people to products and getting a cut of the pay.
Click on that article above left below my picture, and that will lead you to the links to sign up with these places.
And please subscribe!
I give new tips as I learn them all the time.
Hopefully my page rank will move from a lowly ZERO.
Cheers and great blog by the way!
The Chronicles of My Life
I'll probably go thru today and delete the ones that are truly spammy comments on my blog.
WordPress has that askimet thing.
I wonder if Blogger has something like that?
I like to make it easy for people to leave comments, without all that CATCHPA stuff...
Matt K
Congrats on the PR3, I'm sure you'll move up to a 4 or 5 next go 'round.
Steve -
Yes, I didn't know much about the DoFollow bandwagon till Andy Beard and others wrote about it.
Make sure to live link your web site's URL when leaving comments around.
Matt -
Thanks...I was so happy to get to a PR5. Hope we go up and up and up...
Francis Simisim
I think this is a great idea and hope more people join us.
The Art of Search Engine Marketing
I figure that way, I get links from blogs that match my interests-- which generally match my niche.
What do you think Paula? Are you up for it?
Cool name...
I didn't realize how long it'd been since I'd responded to these comments!
Thank you.
So shall we, huh? Interesting blog name...
Hi Colonel Cash
Glad you made those changes. I hope they help your PR.
Publishing David...now there's a direct name!
Yes, dofollow unto others as you would have them dofollow unto you.
Good. Yeah, it'll be exciting to see that little Google PR bar go up in the future!
Have you published info about that script somewhere? Sounds like you and Julian could hook up with that idea...
You'd better go buy DoYouFollow.com ASAP before somebody else snatches that domain name!
I'm so blessedly busy setting up my other dot com on WordPress, I'm pretty involved with that.
But are you on WordPress.org now?
Tell me your vision for the dofollow site...I think you've got a GREAT idea there.
Jump on it!
Randa Clay now has a hot pink "U-COMMENT, I-FOLLOW" logo over at her site now!
See http://randaclay.com/blog/i-follow/
Regards, Elizabeth ...
this is an interesting post.. thanks
What I do not understand is why my toolbar shows nothing for blogspot blogs.... For instance, this one: Decorative Art in Modern Interior Design always shows grey bar - but all pages are in Google index.
His posts are great and very detailed.
Thanks all,
Now hope my pagerank can increase soon.
Nicholas from
iNicholas Tech and Make Money Online Blog
Nicholas Chan's Blog
I have activated the akismet in WP.. and now i need to active the dofollow-plugins, how do you think about this idea?
Please let me know
You know, I activated that Askimet plugin on my WordPress site, but I got errors.
I kinda prefer to manually moderate comments for now anyway.
But the DOFOLLOW stuff, I've only done that on my Blogger blogs, not WP yet.
Yet if you follow the link in this post to Andy Beard's blog, he has LOTS of info on WP sites, as well as DOFOLLOW issues with WP sites.
Much more experience than me, so check out Andy's site and let me know if that answers your questions.
I know some people around the blogosphere are going back to the NOFOLLOW thing because of spam comments abuse, but I'm staying DOFOLLOW for know.
I'll see how much my Google Pagerank increases the next update...
I faved you in technorati the other day.
Would you please do likewise?
I have also taken you do follow advice in WP.
I just favored you on Technorati manually.
Once and a while I still run that tool created by engtech to automatically favor everyone's blog who has favored mine.
I believe it still works (the updated version) because I have a lot of favorites!
Take care,
Great post, I came here through a link form another post on DoFollow. I think it's a really good idea, and I have changed changed
This Is What I Do For Money and my personal blog to NoFollow. I will change all my blogs over the next day.
Funny how this is something I didn't even know was an issue – I am so happy for blogs like yours!
Leverage links. Web sites that are linked to from lots of other sites are often deemed more popular and get a higher ranking in search results. However, more important than the number of links is the quality of those links. Contact owners of other Web sites that score highly for key phrases related to your content, and ask them if they will provide a link back to your site. Make sure, too, that the content on your own site is properly linked together. Crawlers will often start with your home page and then follow links from there to other areas of your site. Therefore, if you fail to provide working links to all your pages, some of your content may end up unindexed.
Now who want link exchange?
contact me: alexvorn2@gmail.com or post a comment on my blog:
Tech Gadget Blog
I am looking forward to your participation in this project. If you are willing to become a contributor please click on "Volunteer to contribute" link on the Custom Search Engine homepage. If not you can simply contribute by sending in the URLs of the blogs that follow links in their comments and trackbacks section.
Don't forget to bookmark this custom search engine for your own use.
You can also add this search engine to your google ig homepage and also to your blog! Just visit the custom search engine homepage and you'll find the links to add them.
For any further assistance / discussion / doubts, do write to me.
I am using it now at my blog.
I hope it'll work soon
Yes follow Andy Beard's instructions here on removing the nofollow attribute from Word Press and other sites, something I still need to do on my WordPress blogs!
Take care,
Great Post and Great Blog! I added you as a favorite at Technorati.
I'm also going to join the DoFollow Blogroll right away.
Thanks for the tip!
Drop by and visit some time...
Greg White
Blog Marketing Tactics
I just tried to add your blog as a favorite, Greg, and they now say:
"Sorry, at the moment we do not support more than 200 favorites per user. This feature is coming soon. If you wish to add this url please delete another favorite and try again or check back later."
I should be able to add as many favorites as I want.
Keep writing on,
Yes there is the threat of spammers and I think this can be solved by various methods. Spamming ownt be a problem if you are an active blogger.
The best part is readers get something in return too.
The following links are useful for searching for do follow blogs
The BBC is a perfect example of this. There are no links in the forums and blogs, yet they have many users.
However, when a blog is starting and it wants to get a upper hand, their is no harm in attracting people who want do-follow links, because some will become hooked, so even if you change to no-follow, people will still comment.
because my blog wallpaper have PR 3 right now from google
i am doing your advice
Bali Beach