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Showing posts from February, 2010

How much does pay writers? pays in gift cards, or PayPal cash credit

How much does pay writers? pays in gift cards, or PayPal cash credit Since is all over Google News right now -- I'm all over seeing how I can get in the mix. I've joined Gather and just figured out how to upload my profile pic and plan to begin "sharing" articles soon, but in the meantime, I'm trying to "Gather" info about how much Gather actually pays their writers. Apply to Write for here now... Thus far, I've only found one person reporting their gift card income here. says you can also redeem whatever points you earn by writing for them for PayPal cash -- but I've yet to see how much someone has made doing that. Indeed's redemption page says that you can "Redeem your Gather Points for a $25 PayPalĀ® payment" with 1,565 points getting you that $25 in PayPal payment usually "much sooner" than 21 days after you redeem your points....

Matthew Inman of gets a book deal, to appear on NBC

Matthew Inman of gets a book deal, to appear on NBC Just read this State of the Oatmeal update about the website, which is so freaking funny he's one of the few people online who've inspired me to contribute to their website just because it's so good. And now the mainstream media has taken notice, with Matthew Inman appearing on NBC soon -- and getting a book deal with his first pick publisher. It's awesome to see. Congrats... shows more images in Google News than other sites shows more images in Google News than other sites One thing I like to do periodically is see what kinds of articles are making it into Google News via, and compare those findings to other sites. Apply to Write for here now... Today I noticed that many of the accompanying pics that people include with their articles make it into Google News with the Examiner articles . (Over 13,000 articles indexed from in Google News in the past hour, as of this writing.) That makes sense in some regard, since pays for some Associated Press images that we can use in our articles. Other sites, however, don't have any or only have a few images accompanying their pieces in Google News: Like or -- but seems to have a butt-load of articles in Google News! (About 6,000 or more, still not as much as Examiner -- perhaps fewer writers?) I wonder if they pay their writers? I don't ... income update - Examiner still not a scam, my pay is about $1,000 for the month income update - Examiner still not a scam, my pay is about $1,000 for the month I feel behooved to update the readers of my previous posts about Examiner (one called " ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·How Much Does Pay Writers? I made $3,674.31 in Sept 2009 from | PAULA NEAL MOONEY ") on how much my Examiner income has changed lately -- so folks can decide if it's still worth it to them to apply if they want. This pic just represents my Cleveland Pop Culture earnings (I also have two national positions -- see below links) for February 2010 thus far: UPDATE: EXAMINER.COM ASKED ME TO TAKE THE SCREEN GRABS DOWN...BUT HERE'S PROOF FROM MY PAYPAL ACCOUNT OF HOW MUCH EXAMINER.COM HAS PAID ME: Apply to Write for here now... Examiner has been through changes since I first began writing for them in September 2009 -- that God-send moment when I needed to stock up funds to pay my taxes. Back then it seemed pretty darn easy to write an articl...

What people buy online, according to Nielsen

What people buy online, according to Nielsen I like reading the Nielsen reports, like this recent finding describing what consumers are paying for online already -- or what they are willing to pay for when it comes to online content. Theatrical movies are something they have shelled out funds for -- and a lot more "would consider" buying online, along with games and music and other such products named in the study. Now when the movie studios realize that they should release their theatrical movie releases in the theaters and online at the same time, that will be awesome. But in the meantime, it's good for us online writers to understand how customers want a lot of stuff free -- 85% of the folks, Nielsen says -- and that they are a lot less willing to pay for user-generated videos and blogs and stuff. For those who run websites that pitch, for example, movies like the excellent LeBron James documentary called More Than A Game (which folks can watch online on Ama...

What the heck, Google? Thanks for submitting your AdWords promotional code! We'll email you with its status in a few business days.

What the heck, Google? "Thanks for submitting your AdWords promotional code! We'll email you with its status in a few business days." "Thanks for submitting your AdWords promotional code! We'll email you with its status in a few business days." That's the message I just got after I entered the promo code beautiful little Valentine's Day card Google sent out to untold "Adsense Publishers" or "Current Residences" today. These little beauties buy $100 worth of free advertising -- and usually Google credits that money right away in the Adwords account. But this time, the mysterious Googe is making us wait. Oh well, it's probably for the best.