Adwords advertisers will be allowed to use trademark terms in their ad text even if they do not own that trademark...
Google Adwords advertisers will be allowed to use trademark terms in their ad text even if they do not own that trademark
How did this new Google Adwords rule escape me for a couple of months?
Maybe because I nearly lost my shirt pitching and paying for Adwords ads that didn't turn a profit earlier this year and started ignoring all those Adwords blog emails.
But now that Rosetta Stone is suing Google for allowing Adwords advertisers to big on confusingly similar Rosetta Stone terms to sometimes pitch illegally produced copies of their software, I found out that Adwords changed their policy about allowing trademarked names in the ad text.
Not that I'm running out to throw monies down the Adwords black hole again -- especially since Amazon Associates no longer allows us to pitch their wares via Google's search engine ads -- but this is an interesting development that has me thinking...Hmmm....