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Showing posts from July, 2009

Mike Richardson Work at Home SCAM - Tom Chilton, Los Angeles Tribue $5,000 to $7,000 Per Month Work at Home Lie...

Mike Richardson Work at Home SCAM - Tom Chilton, Los Angeles Tribue $5,000 to $7,000 Per Month Work at Home Lie... I was on the New York Post and up pops an ad claiming to be some from fake Los Angeles Tribune about some fake guy named Mike Richardson written by some fake reporter called Tom Chilton -- claiming this fake, non-existent Mike Richardson makes $5,000 to $7,000 per month working less than 10 hours per week. Yeah, right! (Here's the URL they are working under now, called .) and Steals at Least $50 or $100 Per Month from Customers... ...those who don't dig past the lies of only $1.87 to download some fake report that probably doesn't tell them a thing anyway, and find the terms and conditions and searches thru all the crap for dollar signs and finds out: "The monthly membership fee of $40 plus the monthly maintenance fee of $9.95 that I am ...

How to Get On / Game Google Trends - So People Are Using Auto-Refresh Reload to Get on Google Trends...

How to Get On / Game Google Trends - So People Are Using Auto-Refresh Reload to Get on Google Trends... Now I'm learning how people get their crazy search terms on Google Trends. Yesterday, when the melee of AT&T censoring 4Chan broke out, I saw a tweet that urged people to open 5 tabs in their browsers and search for "AT&T blocking 4Chan" or something -- then to use auto-refresh to get that term on Google Trends. Eureka! So I looked up how to auto-refresh on Firefox, my favorite browser, and found a Firefox auto-reload plugin -- but didn't actually use it. I'm assuming it would take lots of different computers with lots of different IP addresses for this type of thing to actually affect Google Trends with the topic you want to see -- and I don't know how many. But people who have a lot of followers can get this to work. Or, those who know how to get around that "you've been querying Google too much" or whatever error code that makes you...

Get More Comments on Your WordPress or Blogger Blog by Increasing the Font Size of Your "Leave a Comment" Link...

Get More Comments on Your Blog by Increasing the Font Size of Your "Leave a Comment" Link... A funny thing happened when I was tweaking my website -- I played around and found the code that directs people to leave a comment, increasing it to 300% -- and soon after, I started getting more comments from real people. Maybe I'd get a few real comments per day normally (not counting any spam that makes it past the Askimet Wordpress Plugin spam filter) -- but after increasing the text size of my "Leave a Comment" link, I noticeable got more comments. More than 20 yesterday, I noted. Increase Your "Leave a Comment" Link Text Size on (Self-Hosted Blogs) to Get More Comments Basically, on WordPress, I searched thru my theme's php files ( under Appearance, Editor -- but backup and save your files before you change anything! ) till I found the "Leave a Comment" link -- yours may be different based on your WordPress...

Jennifer's Money Blog SCAM and Your Search Profits SCAM Not Legit - Just Pitching Easy Google Profits, Not LEGIT

Jennifer's Money Blog SCAM and Your Search Profits SCAM Not Legit - Just Pitching Easy Google Profits, Not LEGIT I love when people search for Easy Google Profits scam or scam or scam or whatever the latest "easy Google" scams are and land on my post warning them not to do it BEFORE they plunk down what these scammer sites say is only $1.89 or whatever nominal amount is, but if they'd click on the TEENY "terms and conditions" link at the bottom, they'd find eventually hidden somewhere the real amount they would've paid: I am ordering the Earn Google Cashā„¢ CD and trial membership for $2.29 S&H, after the 7-day trial I will be charged $39.95 if I do not cancel. I also agree to the 14 day and 21 day bonus trials to Grant Masterā„¢ and Network Agendaā„¢ for $7.95 a month and $9.95 a month thereafter, should I choose not to cancel. Scammers be damned!

Best Day for Blogging and Getting More Website Visitors? Monday, Monday...

Best Day for Blogging and Getting More Website Visitors? Monday, Monday... Having blogged now for almost four years, I've noticed an interesting trend that other bloggers perhaps have noticed, too. Mondays seem to burst thru the blogging gate like gang-busters with web traffic and all. It's funny how the web and people and trends can surprise you. I used to assume that Fridays would bring me my most traffic. I assumed people would feel relaxed enough at work to kick back on a Friday and surf a little more than usual -- since it was wind-down-to-the-weekend time. But alas, since most of my websites cover hot trending topics and current events, I found that Mondays are on average my highest traffic days. People must go back to work on Mondays... Either not ready to break out of their weekend mode, or meet their coworkers after the weekend is over and talk about the happenings over the weekend. Then they probably Google away together or alone, all that stuff that happened while th...

Stuff Christians Like Book Coming in 2010... I was up till 3 a.m. reading Stuff Christians Like blog...

Stuff Christians Like Book Coming in 2010... I was up till 3 a.m. reading Stuff Christians Like blog... Come on, Jonathan Christopher, let's change that "Awaiting friend confirmation" on Facebook to a "Jonathan Christopher has confirmed your friendship request" or whatever email I get that somehow validates me and makes me smile each time I get one. I was up till 3 a.m. reading " Stuff Christians Like ", finding your blog thru Stuff Christian Culture Likes -- finding that after I Google-searched Coldplay's Viva Vida Loca whatever lyrics to discover that they did not in fact say "Satan won't call my name" but "St. Peter will not call my name" that ultimately morphs into "St. Peter will call my name" and trying to find out if Coldplay was a Christian band. What a confounded Google world we live in, heh? Anyway, I found Stuff Christians Like blog days after... I was in Barnes & Noble thumbing thru a copy of the S...

Adwords advertisers will be allowed to use trademark terms in their ad text even if they do not own that trademark...

Google Adwords advertisers will be allowed to use trademark terms in their ad text even if they do not own that trademark How did this new Google Adwords rule escape me for a couple of months? Maybe because I nearly lost my shirt pitching and paying for Adwords ads that didn't turn a profit earlier this year and started ignoring all those Adwords blog emails. But now that Rosetta Stone is suing Google for allowing Adwords advertisers to big on confusingly similar Rosetta Stone terms to sometimes pitch illegally produced copies of their software, I found out that Adwords changed their policy about allowing trademarked names in the ad text. Not that I'm running out to throw monies down the Adwords black hole again -- especially since Amazon Associates no longer allows us to pitch their wares via Google's search engine ads -- but this is an interesting development that has me thinking...Hmmm....

What products are selling on in 2009

Taking a gander thru the various products on Amazon that have sold thru my websites in 2009 -- you can get a good idea of what consumers are buying, along with the cost of the item and my cut at the end. Of course, these Amazon products selling in 2009 are more indicative of what I've chosen to promote in some instances -- other times, they represent products I'd never heard of on Amazon that people just clicked thru and eventually purchased after having my Amazon cookie loaded on their computer. Either way, as webmasters selling affiliate products, stepping back and examining what works and what doesn't work in selling certain products can help you sell more Amazon stuff in the future. Apparel & Accessories AUTHENTIC COACH HAMPTONS SIGNATURE CAPACITY WRISTLET 41182 (Br/Brown) Third Party $95.00 7.00% 1 $95.00 $6.65 Bike Royal Blue Compression Shorts Third Party $26.00 7.00% 1 $26.00 $1.82 Black Large Giraffe Print Faux Leather Satchel Bag Handbag Third Party $18.99 7.0...