$40,000 a Month Blogging - $500,000 Projected Income in 2009 for John Chow - Watch the video below to see how he does it...
$40,000 a Month Blogging - $500,000 Projected Income in 2009 for John Chow - Watch the video below to see how he does it...
John Chow -- one of my blogging heroes -- posted up an hour-long video describing how he makes $40,000 per month with his blog, one that he hadn't even monetized when he started it back in 2005. (Just like me!)
Then in 2006 he said some challenged him, "Hey, you don't make any money blogging -- why should we listen to your tips?" John Chow took the challenge head on and started monetizing his blog. The first month he made around 300 bucks; after a few months he'd hit his goal of $3,000 per month -- so he said, Why not pull out all the stops?
He did, and in 2009, his blog is projected to make half a million dollars.
I watched and/or listened to the whole video below because it was interesting to know his philosophy. Some of it is pretty techie for those who don't know about Aweber, RSS feeds, auto-responders, Feedburner chicklet counts and the like -- but it's valuable information.
I'm taking away from it the marketing knowledge of seriously thinking about what I'd really want to sell -- and that information is one of the best products to sell online. I'm using it to inspire me forward...
peace, Villager
Thanks Wayne!
I hope i succed too...
Paula you should have affiliate links to all sorts of affiliate networks, it is amazing that even Shoemoney has just got wise to this idea. They pay 2 per cent on all sales of referals.
Since you are in the niche you might as well earn easy money. (Well I should be having you are my referral)
Another thing, with Concrete Loop, They run ad networks but Paula you seem not to be that keen on those for some reason.
I think there is a lot of money in helping other webmasters on a consultancy basis or even having an ad company.
Do you have ad networks on your site? I was just back over there trying to figure it out.
And I guess I heard bad things about the GlamAd networks that I shied away from them.
But I'm going to go back on ShoeMoney.com and ConcreteLoop.com right now and study their ads and affiliate network links.
Thanks for always giving me something to think about.
I can't remember -- do you report your online earnings?
Unfortunately, the traffic is now picking and I will be putting up ads.
Ad networks are a problem and half, if you look at the discussions in Blackweb 2.0, you will see a lot of disappointment.
I have heard discussion where I have told webmasters to bypass ad networks but they refuse to listen, even though they are getting squeezed.
Clutch Online is experimenting with running their own ads, it will interesting to watch, but they have just received major funding.