10 Grand is Buried Here - Microsoft Has Buried 10 Grand on the Internet, Guess I Gotta Switch over to IE from Firefox to Find the 10 Grand...

Microsoft has a "10 Grand is Buried Here" contest going on (click the attached pic in this post for more info) where they've buried $10,000 somewhere on the internet and the first one who finds the $10,000 wins the money.10 Grand is Buried Here - Microsoft Has Buried 10 Grand on the Internet, Guess I Gotta Switch over to IE from Firefox to Find the 10 Grand...
I see that the buried 10 grand will be revealed on an IE8 browser, so I guess I've gotta switch over from my beloved Firefox Browser back to IE to find it.
They are giving clues on Twitter, so I'm going to go decipher them and pray I win. Or, whomever really needs the money to win.