Want to increase blog traffic? Witness the testimony of 25,000 blog hits in one wonderful day... I got 25,000 blog hits on my TV site in one day. Actually, the gravy train kept going for two days, with each day averaging about 25,000 hits. I'm so overjoyed, I had to take a screen pic (CLICK TO ENLARGE IT) and share the tips below it: How to get more daily traffic to your blog... 1 - Check Google Hot Trends list . I admit it, I'm obsessed. Google trends list is how I get my daily news. But watch out -- some stuff you don't want to click on. 2 - Write a blog post about something that interests you on the list that people are searching for, but not many people have written about yet -- at least not in a good SEO'd (search-engine optimized) type of way. But when you see an interesting item like " Elevator Ghost ," you gotta blog about it. 3 - Be short and sweet...and if it involves a video, even better. Short posts work pretty well. People don't necessarily wa...
Wheel in the Sky Keeps on Turning...