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Showing posts from May, 2008

Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā» 25,000 Hits in One Day on Your Blog - How to get them...

Want to increase blog traffic? Witness the testimony of 25,000 blog hits in one wonderful day... I got 25,000 blog hits on my TV site in one day. Actually, the gravy train kept going for two days, with each day averaging about 25,000 hits. I'm so overjoyed, I had to take a screen pic (CLICK TO ENLARGE IT) and share the tips below it: How to get more daily traffic to your blog... 1 - Check Google Hot Trends list . I admit it, I'm obsessed. Google trends list is how I get my daily news. But watch out -- some stuff you don't want to click on. 2 - Write a blog post about something that interests you on the list that people are searching for, but not many people have written about yet -- at least not in a good SEO'd (search-engine optimized) type of way. But when you see an interesting item like " Elevator Ghost ," you gotta blog about it. 3 - Be short and sweet...and if it involves a video, even better. Short posts work pretty well. People don't necessarily wa...

Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā» Red Lasso Down or Shut Down? Why the best website in the world may be gone in about 60 hours...

Red Lasso may be down for the count... but I hope not... An Ode to a Great Techie Urn Called Red Lasso... Red Lasso, Red Lasso. How do I love thee? I love thee for the depth and breadth of your streaming broadband footage... The ease of which you allow bloggers to clip specific parts of footage and upload them to our blogs for all to witness. I love thee for thy embed code. I love thee for thy ingenuity... For I just discovered your full potential this past weekend, and now in a forthnight or two you just may depart from the blogosphere. Fear not what the mockers -- are saying of thee, oh fair Red Lasso -- unless, of course, it was meant to be. For me, my dearest Red Lasso, I'm praying for millions more in millions more series rounds of funding. For thy technology and vision (if not thy legal loophole) was the best...

Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā»Ā» EDEN Body Works: Oprah Guest Helps Hair Breakage

UPDATE: WATCH JASMINE LAWRENCE ON THE TODAY SHOW VIDEO... by Paula Neal Mooney On Oprah's show about young smart kids, there was a young black girl named Jasmine who is the CEO of a company named EDEN BodyWorks. At only 15, Jasmine developed her own formula of EDEN Body Works products that help prevent hair breakage. (Interesting, because Jasmine appeared to be wearing pretty extension braids herself, but her own EDEN Body Works must've helped restore the bald patches she once had.) Of course, Oprah related her story of when her fell out as the result of a bad relaxer. The EDEN Body Works leader also had the same experience at a younger age. With products like an All-Natural Hair Oil with JOJOBA and Peppermint & Tea Tree Shampoo and Conditioner, EDEN Body Works will no doubt receive plenty of hits in coming day. You can even sign up on the EDEN Body Works site to receive free samples. March 30, 2007 update: No more free samples! Just got this email from Jasmine: Paula, ...

Dooce Movie - $40,000 Per Month Earning Mommy Blogger Heather Armstrong is Talking to Hollywood...

Dooce Movie May Happen... How cool is it to see that Dooce (aka "Mommy Blogger" Heather Armstrong) now earns $40,000 per month and just may be making the Movie ? I remember learning about Dooce waaaaaayyyy back when nearly two years ago (though she's been blogging since 2001) when there was the drama over her book lawsuit bruhaha -- and now look at Heather! Though I haven't read her in a while, it's cool to see Dooce in movie talks...

Google Pagerank Update Going On: May 2008 Increases...

Google Pagerank Updates Going On.. Penalties and Increases Noticed... So Google's going thru a Pagerank increase. Daniel over at noticed it via Courtney The Internet Marketing guy the other day. (Right now I'm lovin' the Adsense-Ready Studio Press Red WordPress Theme by Daniel so much that you can see I use it on the majority of my sites, some of which are listed below.) But with Google's PageRank upgrades come penalties for some. I got a frantic email from a different blogging friend saying that Google penalized her site. I've been there before, so I can empathize.... Thankfully, it didn't last too long. Maybe a month or two? Sounds like forever in the world of blogging, but when it happened, it just forced me to turn my attention to other sites, and thank the King I did. So favor is falling and my pageranks are up -- it really does make a difference in getting that good Google traffic. Stay blessed. For all who are interested in blogging, ...

DC Madam List of Names and Phone Numbers...Here are the phone numbers

DC Madam Deborah Palfrey Kills Herself - Was it really suicide, or murder? Shocking news of Deborah Jeane Palfrey's death leads people to Google - DC Madam Murder? by Paula Neal Mooney Here are the actual phone numbers on DC Madam's list that a federal judge agreed could be released to the public. Here's the DC Madam list of numbers in phone number order... Here's the DC Madam list of numbers in name order... Deborah Jeane Palfrey's website also had a list of zip files that contained a more complete listing of the DC Madam's client list of phone numbers, along with an explanation of why they were being released, but I see that's gone now. The net went crazy when actual names were expected to be derived from Deborah Jeane Palfrey's list -- and now it's sure to go crazy again today with the news of the DC Madam's death. DC Madam Murder - or Suicide? Reading the shocking news of Deborah Jeane Palfrey's death -- along with the rumored high-po...