by Paula Neal Mooney
- First John Chow was banned from Digg.com, then I was banned from Digg.com...
- Then John Chow was Google bombed, now I've been Google bombed...(technically not the correct term, since that refers to linking to Google with text not associated with what you're writing about, but you get my drift)
- Next John Chow made $17,828.61 last month alone in blogging income, then I made...well, from my praying lips to God's listening and responding ear...
What is a Google bombing?
Opal the Vegan Momma warned me this could happen. She knew that Matt Cutts from Google said that if too many links with the same anchor text come from the same blog, Google will smack the whammy down on them.
So, like John Chow no longer ranks on the first page of Google's search-engine results pages (SERPS, for you non-techies scratching your head at this post) for "make money online" nor even his own name -- I, too, no longer rank for "Paula Mooney" or "Paula Neal Mooney" or "Blogger Salary" -- plus probably a few other terms.
It had to happen.
But I liked putting that "by Paula Neal Mooney" linked to my blog's homepage so folks who don't know to click the header link above could easily find me.
Gratefully -- oh miracle of the Lord above -- my traffic is still somehow hanging around 2 grand pageviews per day even with the Google bombing -- because I still rank well somehow on Google for some specific terms.
But I can tell my Google searches referral links have dropped -- more Yahoo, MSN and other referral links fill those "referral URL" fields now. Who knew how many folks used MSN and Yahoo search engines, where the traffic is still flowing in?
But I'm so used to Google, that I stumbled around Yahoo just to find John Chow's posts about this topic.
After the Google bombing, focusing on the niche web sites...

And the Google bombing has taught me to focus on those sites anyway, like my new micro-braid hair styles and pictures web site.
These niche sites are turning out to be my bread and butter in terms of better click-thru rates on my Google Adsense income.
C'est la vie!
Such is life in good old Google land...
If anything, I'm hoping these lessons learned will help my readers thru my experiences.
Go ahead -- other people can now get to the top of Google on search terms that John Chow and I no longer rank well with.
But stop just short of Google bombing! ;-)
And as you said, from your lips to Gods ears, my you be blessed a thousand fold!
They do it all the time nothing new !
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How to really get filthy cash rich in the online marketplace from Bestbraindrain.com
Duane Fallous
I didn't know what Google Bombing was until I read this post. I should have suspected something was up though when a couple of weeks ago I was looking for your site. I googled your name as I had done before because I couldn't remember the exact URL but your site did not come up as #1. I was like WT..
That is crazy how Google works like that. Again, thanks for sharing your experience.