I'll admit it, I didn't have much of an emotional grasp on Alzheimer's disease and how it can affect the afflicted person and the ones that love them until I saw the results of it on TV.
Whether in interviews with family members who describe the horror of having to tell someone with Alzheimer's afresh that a loved one they keep asking for has died -- and having that person experience the grief afresh each time -- or portrayed in movies or film, I'm starting to get an inkling of the hell it must be to live with Alzheimer's disease.
The film that solidified it somewhat sweetly for me was The Notebook, wherein Gena Rowland's character had the forethought to write down the love-of-her-life story in (what else?) a notebook, and made her husband promise to read it to her all the time when she could no longer remember it.

But these are all fiction, of course.
In real life, the Alzheimer's Association knows first hand what sufferers endure, and they are working hard at raising money to cure this heartbreaking condition by holding a nationwide Alzheimer's Memory Walk.
They are encouraging folks to sign up early (they have online sign up) and even become a Team Captain if they so desire.
I plopped in my zip code and found four different walks in my area, all with varying start and end times, so check your own local area if you're interested.
They have a video up about the Alzheimer's Memory Walk, stating that every 72 seconds someone develops the dreaded disease, and that 5 million people suffer from it.
Hopefully with the hard work done to raise funds and encourage others, this number will decrease drastically.
One of the saddest movie I've ever seen.
Well..the movie is not that sad, but the whole idea behind it is sad imho.
Yes, I saw that movie, too.
And I agree that would be very hurtful to not have someone remember a person they love over and over again.
Hey...Hair Loss Treatment
I'm sorry that your grandfather suffered from Alzheimer's disease.
I would hate to imagine someone you love so dearly not remembering someone they love so much.
I pray for the caretakers and the patient -- because I also know the patients can be violent in their confusion.
And hopefully funding can lead to a cure so fewer and fewer people have to go thru this.
I am writing a daily blog that shows the lighter side of caring for someone with dementia.
Please pass this link along to anyone you feel would enjoy it.
Thanks for posting.