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Our New Planet...Would You Live There?

by Paula Neal Mooney

So scientists -- God love 'em! -- have discovered this new planet.

Our new planet might turn into another space destination, once we're all jetting around like the Jetsons or Tom Cruise in Minority Report -- minus the melee.

If this new planet holds water, and if we don't all start changing over to energy-efficient light bulbs and such on Earth, the new planet may be our only planet...

I used to be a software tester. Any bad programs we rolled into production only caused some ruffled feathers, not lost lives. The folks who eventually test out living on this new planet will surely be heroes.

My question is: Would you be one of the first to test out living on this new planet?


kystorms saidā€¦
:-) No, I like 'this' planet just fine, would not go if i had the choice! And seeing how the trip to this 'exoearth' equals to 120 trillion miles, at this point 'none' of us will be going anytime soon. Now, maybe our childrens children will. I have another plan I am hinging my hopes on, and that one definitly keeps me here on this planet.And I don't like the idea that people think if we mess this planet up, we can always move on to the next earth like planet. We should be seeing how to fix this planet first.
Sunny Ellis saidā€¦
I would go. It's like the people who first came to America from Europe. I would love to have a fresh start on a new world (especially since there would be free land again). To me it'snot about moving on to the next planet to destory. I just like the thrill of exploration. Let's do something new. Start fresh. Get a little crazy. Let's dig our existance out of the ground. I'll pack my wagon and head out. It would be fun. I've always wanted an adventure
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hell no! There could be aliens there!
Anonymous saidā€¦
I've been following this story too. I don't think we know enough about the planet right now to send settlers.

When I was younger I would have loved to go. Now that I'm more settled, well, I'm not so sure. I'm thinking I'm pretty comfortable where I am.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Sorry about the multiple post!
EastPAWZ saidā€¦
I need to read more on current events. Sorry I had no Idea about this new planet. I have to come here for the latest news Paula lol.
Well about living on another planet...hmmm.. I love Mother Earth, but we are not taking care of all she has done for us, like sustain us. I don't think I would want to try another world until I saw this one healed lol. Humanity would ruin another world... No Thanks... But If any of those "Aliens" want to move here that would be nice, as long as they are nice like E.T
Serious Science Fiction Girl here.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I got excited about this... until I figured out that with the technology we have right now, it would take hundreds of thousands of years to get there....

So until we "discover" a teleportation device or figure out a way to travel faster than the speed of light... I think I'll have to sit on my hands...

If we do, however, figure out how to get there quicker, sign me up! :)
Unknown saidā€¦
Anonymous saidā€¦
Paula, I just nominated you for the Thinking Blogger award over on my blog.

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