by Paula Neal Mooney
Google's Inside AdSense team just sent out an email the other day describing how to use their Onsite Advertiser Sign-up to add an ‘Advertise on this site’ link to your blog.
Since the 'Advertise on this site' link was removed from the Google Adsense ads during their recent ad format change, the Goog team (specifically a guy named Etienne Jambou, freaky 'cause I was just talking to my hubby about the name Etienne...) sent instructions on breaking the link out.
So here are their detailed instructions on getting that cool 'Advertise on this site' link on your site, which here's hoping some gazillionaire will click on and pay us handsomely to buy real estate on our blogs.
And I didn't evek know an Onsite Advertiser Sign-up page was available on Google Adsense, so check it out and customize your page following those good instructions.
Then we won't be a broke as Jennifer Aniston in Friends With Money. Good reference point, heh?
By the way I so enjoyed the interview Marty did with you!!!
I also read today that the adsense referral only pays out 1 time a year, have you seen that as well?
I just got an inquiry today from somebody wanting me to review their site and they asked about my rates, so I led them to purchase a review on my blog for $60 at ReviewMe instead.
I'm hopeful that the Google AdWords campaign will grow, especially as my blog traffic grows...
I just paused the campaign I'm running on my dad's blog using Google AdWords, and will seek out better ways to advertise his site.
I like doing it for free when I can, but I'm still considering running an ad campaign for my blog on more popular blogs.
I like the places that make it easy to just choose a price and a time period to run an ad -- but now that I think about it, it's probably better to just buy a review thru!
That's what Mitch Harpzon did and got a lot of attention by buying a review on John Chow's blog and ShoeMoney's blog! He's smart...
Hey Bonnie and Tisha and Latimer - Much favor to you all when you add that puppy to your blogs!
I'll be over there soon...
You can always review my site for free, but I suggest you wait till I have more visitors.