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Shaquanda Cotton Needs You...

by Paula Neal Mooney

The YBP Guide led me to this Chicago Tribune article by Howard Witt titled "To some in Paris, [Texas] sinister past is back," about the plight of Shaquanda Cotton.

As a 14-year-old, Shaquanda Cotton was sent to youth prison with violent offenders for a minor crime -- shoving a hall monitor.

"In Texas, a white teenager burns down her family's home and receives probation," writes Witt.

"A black one shoves a hall monitor and gets 7 years in prison. The state NAACP calls it `a signal to black folks.' "

Read more about Shaquanda Cotton, and let's all act as the YBP Guide suggests.

Let's swamp Texas Governor Rick Perry with emails and phone calls until justice is served!

And let's peacefully inform Lamar County Judge Chuck Superville -- the judge who sentenced Shaquanda Cotton -- who had no prior record -- to seven years in prison, of our dissent:

Honorable M.C. (Chuck) Superville, Jr., Judge
Lamar County Courthouse
119 North Main
Paris, TX 75460
Phone # 903-737-2410
Fax # 903-785-3858


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kystorms saidā€¦
Tried to Digg the story, but cant seem to come up to the place where your story is there, even searched you out, to no avail. Can you tell me how else I can get to the story so I can digg it?

hope all is well with you
Anonymous saidā€¦
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Thanks for spreading the word Paula! The Chicago Tribune article can be found here
Paris David saidā€¦
Thanks, Lisa, I'm going to try and Digg it now...

Hey Kimberly - Let's pray change comes from this...
Anonymous saidā€¦
This is horrible and I am so ashamed that this is happening. I have children around this age and can't even imagine how angry I would be if this happened to one of mine.

I have never been to Paris, Texas (at least I don't think so), but now I will avoid it for sure. What a nasty place!

Thanks for bringing this to light!
Kipas Repair JB saidā€¦

I open your blog and see a lot of posts. It's quite late now, I cannot read each and every post because I'll be sleepy at work tomorrow.

I will read them tomorrow and I wish you will have a nice wonderful weekend in Chicago...
Anonymous saidā€¦
Disgusting! And to think that they could've gotten this far with it for so long.
Anonymous saidā€¦
a site has been setup for her.
Paris David saidā€¦

Thank you so much!

This is exactly what I felt should be done.

I won't let this one go. I'm going to follow-up till she is freed.

The powerful blood of Jesus the Christ will always win out over alll demons -- including the demons of racism.
Jim.Legington saidā€¦

We have the information posted about this
injustice going on about Shaquanda and we
wanted to add your post to our Diggs but
were able to get it on our hook-up at our about Shaquanda Cotton.

Here is a copy of our message left in the
comments section for Shaquanda Cotton
and we created a Prayer Request Page at
our Blog after hearing about this matter
today. This will unite Bloggers and media everywhere for greater good. Christ in You
is the hope of glory. Let Your light from
the lighthouse, shine, Our Lord is the
Wonderful Counselor. Be Blessed always!
notfearingchange saidā€¦
I read this elsewhere...HORRIBLE...
Paris David saidā€¦
Thanks, Jim and NotFearingChange - I believe with our support, the Lord will get Shaquanda out of prison soon...

Let's keep the faith and act,
Unknown saidā€¦


Anonymous saidā€¦
This is getting so ridiculous. You guys don't know the entire story. You are making comments based on a situation where you don't have all the facts. This girl's mother has taught her to hate. Yes, racism goes both ways. You are comparing stories that are absolutely unrelated. Shaquanda assaulted someone. That's wrong and she should be punished. I've worked with kids her age who were constantly in trouble with the law and they just kept getting probation. That never taught them anything and their behaviors continued and sometimes escalated. So maybe this will teach Shaquanda not to assault anyone. If she could have been sentenced to a place where she was away from her mother, that probably would have been the option. Because her mother teaches her to hate and is part of her problem. Paris is not at all the way the outsiders are portraying it.
Ryan Mann saidā€¦
Anonymous said...
This is getting so ridiculous. You guys don't know the entire story. You are making comments based on a situation where you don't have all the facts. This girl's mother has taught her to hate. Yes, racism goes both ways. You are comparing stories that are absolutely unrelated. Shaquanda assaulted someone. That's wrong and she should be punished. I've worked with kids her age who were constantly in trouble with the law and they just kept getting probation. That never taught them anything and their behaviors continued and sometimes escalated. So maybe this will teach Shaquanda not to assault anyone. If she could have been sentenced to a place where she was away from her mother, that probably would have been the option. Because her mother teaches her to hate and is part of her problem. Paris is not at all the way the outsiders are portraying it.
Oh! I can't believe I just read a post supporting a 7 year prison sentence just for pushing a hall monitor! I heard about this story on the Free Talk Live radio show and I could hardly believe it. I decided to do a google search and I found this blog with a link to the newspaper article. What if it was a nice white girl who was sentenced for seven years in prison for pushing somebody? I wonder how you would feel then? What if it was your daughter?
Anonymous saidā€¦
OK, this is getting crazy. I attend church with the teacher that was involved in this story. She wasn't just pushed -- she required medical attention. This young girl did not want to use the door she was supposed to use to get to the nurses office to take her medicine. She wanted to take a short cut through a door that was to remain closed until the first bell of the day rang. Is 7 years too long for this offense? Probably so. But don't judge the entire town by the actions of one teenage girl and the county judge. We may not be a perfect town, but we are far from the racist community we are being protrayed as.
Ryan Mann saidā€¦
Anonymous said...
OK, this is getting crazy. I attend church with the teacher that was involved in this story. She wasn't just pushed -- she required medical attention. This young girl did not want to use the door she was supposed to use to get to the nurses office to take her medicine. She wanted to take a short cut through a door that was to remain closed until the first bell of the day rang. Is 7 years too long for this offense? Probably so. But don't judge the entire town by the actions of one teenage girl and the county judge. We may not be a perfect town, but we are far from the racist community we are being protrayed as.
Why did a white girl in your town get sentenced to probation for burning her house down by the same judge? Clearly, burning somebody burning their house down is a biggre offense.
Anonymous saidā€¦
This is completely nuts. First off we're screaming about a seven year sentence thats not a seven year sentence. It's based on her behavior. Therefore it could be a month or it could be UP TO SEVEN YEARS. Unfortunantly in our country of freedom of the press they have the freedom to portray a situation in any matter that gives them best story possible. And as for the people that want to quickly judge a small town. Isn't that the same behavior you spend your life fighting against. Judging a group of people based on the actions of a few. There are 26,000 people being judged by the decisions made by a handful of people. Regardless of whether those decisions were based on race or not. Does racism still exist? Most definitely and probably always will. Both here and around the world. But isn't it just as racist or prejudice to call someone a racist just because of where they live or what color they are. Sounds to me like the same argument from the opposite side. I hate to be judged as much as the next person.
Paris David saidā€¦
I just want to know what the truth is.

The Chicago Tribue article seems fair and balanced.

Other blogs are saying that Miss Cotton was pushed first. Is that the truth?

I didn't know the teacher required medical attention. Is that the real truth?

What were her injuries?

All of these facts are getting lost in the emotionalism and I want to know what is really truth.

I've also read that it wasn't a teacher but a hall monitor that pushed Miss Cotton.

And what is the actual sentence?

The trib story is saying 7 years.

Let's all calm down and report the facts...
Anonymous saidā€¦
The people of Paris, Texas are more concerned with their "good name" than trying to right the wrong of this injustice. Not one person has adressed the sentencing disparity between the white arsonist and shaquanda cotton by the very same judge.
mysticalvillager saidā€¦
This is a grass roots effort to help in the freeing of Shaquanda Cotton.

The point of the letter that we sent to you was an effort to help spread the awareness of this injustice. I hope that you can help us in this endeavor. We need more coverage. This is why we are reaching out to the news papers and reporters all over the nation and the world.

If you can help us in any way please do. Right now we are starting with an email drive, and blog drive, followed by a letter drive, and we are also organizing marches in Paris TX. Please if you can help us by getting the word out. I believe that you can see that this is an injustice that reflects on the nation as a whole not just a small town in Texas, in justice in any form is something that we should all try our best to correct.

Any help that you can provide would be appreciated.


7 years in jail for pushing a hall monitor--if you're black

What began as a bad day for 14-year-old Paris (Texas) High School freshman Shaquanda Cotton ended up as an apartheid nightmare. It seems that Shaquanda shoved a hall monitor in a dispute over entering the building before the school day had officially begun. She was trying to get to the nurse's office to get her daily dose of medicine for her "attention deficit" disorder. Was this African-American youngster suspended? Kept after school? Sent to a counselor for some anger-management intervention? No.
Shaquanda, who had no previous arrest record, was tried in March 2006 in the town's juvenile court, convicted of "assault on a public servant," and sentenced by Lamar County Judge Chuck Superville to prison for up to 7 years until she turns 21. Just three months earlier, Superville sentenced a 14-year-old white girl, convicted of arson for burning down her family's house, to probation.

For more see Chicago Tribune story, "To some in Paris, sinister past is back."

Contact all news, radio, and others you know. This might not be your child, but might be a child you know in the future if this is not dealt with this true injustice.

Below is just one of the letter's I sent on the behalf of Shaquanda Cotton:

Dear Sir;
This letter is in response to a story published in the March 12th 2007 issue of the Chicago Tribune regarding the continued confinement of Shaquanda Cotton of Paris Texas. I am simply infuriated at the severity of the sentence imposed by Judge Chuck Superville. The incident initially considered a misdemeanor, was elevated to a felony, and Judge Superville imposed an indeterminate sentence with one year certain, up to age 21. Yet despite the Lamar Countyā€™s District Attorney and his staff protestations to the contrary, one can only conclude that race and the efforts of the Shaquandaā€™s parent to receive equal treatment for Black children from the school Board and the administration of Paris High School. This action implies an attempt to squash legitimate dissent, a right guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States. Surely this is not something you would approve, nor any other true American.

Additionally, once Shaquanda was remanded to the custody of the Texas Youth Commission, that initial callousness was further compounded by treating Ms Cotton, diagnosed since age 7 with attention hyperactivity deficit disorder (ADHD), with the drug seratraline (Zoloft). This drug, based on a public warning issued by the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), indicated an increased risk of suicidal thoughts or behavior with the use of this antidepressant medication, especially if the recipient was under 18 years old. Shaquanda has since been recorded as having three attempted suicides in the course of the 11 months she has been incarcerated. Shaquanda Cotton, I may add has never been arrested or charged with any other crime previously, at most, a few minor infractions of school rules. Does wearing her skirt one inch too short or pouring too much paint in a cup, deserve such an overwhelming draconian response by the justice system in Paris Texas? I think you will agree with me that it does not.
This situation is unconscionable, Mr. Governor, and I am sure that you, as the leader of the great state of Texas, wants to see Shaquanda Cotton returned home, to recover her childhood, to grow up and become a fine upstanding citizen of whom we can all be proud. Send her home, now, and let her begin, realize her human possibilities.
Thank you.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Ok Matt, see your missing your key words there. It's up to seven years. Now if this was a straight forward seven year sentence then absolutely that would be absurd. But it's not. My issue here is people are not getting facts before reacting. Actually if you are able to get the hard facts, which is difficult because she's a minor, I believe she was originally arrested for making a false police report. She reported that the teacher/hall monitor had shoved/hit her. Well when the authorities showed up at the school and reviewed the tapes from the security cameras that caught the incident on tape, she was lying. Also assaulting a public servant in the state of Texas is a third degree felony. Whether she's 14 or 60, black, white, brown or green thats breaking the law. Punishable up to 5 years imprisonment and $5,000 fine. She received a sentence that is not set at a particular amount of time but can't be longer than seven years. Based on her behavior while imprisoned. She could have gotten out in this March. Not sure of the circumstances that caused her to have to stay.
Anonymous saidā€¦
First of all , all of you who are anonymous must be afraid of the judeg in your town or you feel as though this is right. So what if her mother teaches her to hate , white people were and are still being taught to hate and maybe that was her only way to stay alive was to hate and not feed into the " I'm your friend till the end". I don't teach my children to hate but I do teach them to be verbal and up front. Maybe that was being taught and not hate. If you are on the outside looking in it may seem like hate to you but this baby is 14 years old- a simple shove should not even be thought of as prison sentence. Again I ask like in the last blog- DID THE W/W DIE? HELL NO SHE DID NOT , how can she even sleep nights knowing she has sent a 14 y/o to prison? Only a RACIST INDIVIDUAL WOULD BE ABLE TO REST.....
Ryan Mann saidā€¦
Even if what anonymous said is true about the hall monitor needing medical attention, bla bla bla, it still doesn't explain why the same judge sentenced a white girl only got probation for a crime as severe as burning a house down.
Anonymous saidā€¦
We don't know the entire story. Granted, it does seem a bit extreme. As far as I know, the judge did what he felt was best. As I hear it, one of the reasons for his decision was because she had no supervision at home. From what I hear from people that know her mother, they say she's a rude, mean person. Perhaps she's right where she needs to be to learn to be a better person. Who knows? What's more, if this situation is over a year old, why is it just now becoming a big deal? Sounds to me someone's just soakin up their 15 minutes.
Anonymous saidā€¦
This is not a 7 year sentence, it is Up To 7 years. This girl continues to be a problem and that is why she is still there. It's not being reported that the family has not been cooperative at all in stopping these behaviors. They have stated that they would not cooperate with probation. So our judge had to do what was in the best interest of the child. This child is told how good of a job she's done when she's displayed acts of aggression. Please don't make assumptions based on the story in The Chicago WAS NOT fair and balanced. As far as the white girl who burned her own house, that's completely different than assaulting someone. And her family has cooperated with terms of probation and she has admitted to being wrong. That's something that Shaquanda and her family refuse to do........I know.
Anonymous saidā€¦
The Chicago Tribune hasn't been "fair nor balanced" for many years. To those outfits, "spin sells."
My boss reported to Congressman Hall, when asked WTH is goin on here, the suspected reason for such a long sentence was because she has a history of being a problem child. You don't have to have a "criminal history" to be considered a problem. Furthermore, he was told that Shaquanda had little to no home supervision. With that, an "up to seven year" sentence was called for. That means she doesn't have to serve seven years, nor will she if she will act right under state supervision. If not, the state will not be inclined to turn her back loose on society.
In a related topic, this is where I see a problem with the government assuming control over the public school system. Back in the good ol days when schools were operated in full by the community, this gal woulda had her lil butt beaten by the principal or teacher and she woulda been suspended for a determined amount of time and that'd be the end of it. *shrugs* That's just the way I see it. Stupid "progressives."
Anonymous saidā€¦
This seems to have just become another platform for the "Jesse Jackson" zombies to keep carrying around the race card and whining "It's a black thing. We're hated by whites."
How foolish. It has nothing to do with race. Do you honestly think this judge sat on his bench and thought "I finally get a teen black girl that I can abuse with my judicial powers." Please. Gimme a break.
It never fails. When racial extortionist outfits/people like Black Panthers, Millions More, Al Sharpton, etc get involved, it only serves to become a divisive issue. You want to unite? Stop crying "it's cause he/she is black." It is possible to conduct business of various sorts without regard to skin color.
Paris David saidā€¦
The Chicago Tribue reporter just emailed me with updates regarding Shaquanda's story:

Greetings. I know you have blogged about the Shaquanda Cotton case so I wanted to call your attention to a significant new development in the case, which is contained in a story that is now available on the front-page of and will be published on the front page of the paper on Tuesday.

Essentially this story says that Shaquanda's sentence will soon be
reviewed by a special state panel with an eye toward possibly freeing her.

I have also written an article about the huge response to this story in the
blogging world that you may be interested in referencing.

In case you can't find the new stories easily, here are links directly to them:,1,1122206.story?coll=chi-news-hed,1,327943.story?coll=chi-news-hed

May God bless and keep him in Jesus' Name for his investigative reporting. This is the stuff that journalists are born to create...
Paris David saidā€¦
Also, JimLegington left me this lovely message about a pray rally for Shaquanda...

Hey Paula,

Did you hear about the Prayer Rally
to Help Free Shaquanda Cotton of this injustice?

Here is an Interview with Cotton's Mother

Raise Your hand and Pray Free Shaquanda Cotton

Would You agree to worldwide prayer on March 31, 2007 at 12 noon Central Standard Time (One Hour Prayer)until 1:00PM?

And continue the same time period every Saturday Until God's will be done to Free Shaquanda Cotton of this injustice.

Let's ask God to grant her His grace, and this now 15-year-old daughter can tell of His goodness to His earth.

God is Good in all His people blessed in the beloved forevermore.


Remember Our God is Good, Keep Hope Alive!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Well judging by the Anonymous posters from Paris, I can assume that the depiction of this town is dead-on. How anyone justify this ridiculous sentence by indicating it's becasue of the "behaviour" of shaquanda's mother while excusing awaythe reasont he white arsonist was not put in jail was because her parents were co-operative? Point blank, she should have been held accountable for that crime but got a pass becasue she was white. Stop denying that white privelege and racism don't exist.

Thank god for the tribune and I'm dissapointed tht this horrendous and egregious case has not received more national attention.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I'm so sick and tired of hearing about this crap! Thanks to Mr. Witt, Paris,TX isn't known for the movie anymore...Go read the Paris paper or do some research and get the story right!

This whole story is making us look bad. This isn't a racial issue. Just because you read it in the "Chicago Tribune" doesn't mean it's true!!
Anonymous saidā€¦
of course you would consider it crap becasue it's not your life, or the life of a loved one, or a white person involved. and if you read it in the paris news then it's definitely not true. it's just a small racist town trying to save face. as someone stated, judging from the apologists, this article is probably dead-on.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Well I'm sorry that you think that we are just a "small racist town trying to save face". We know plenty of people who know the family that's getting the attention. Why don't ya'll come down here and support the South...We'll be glad to show ya'll around...we're not just a bunch of rednecks like you may think!
Anonymous saidā€¦
I was born and have lived in the south, so no thank you.
Anonymous saidā€¦
It's is blindingly apparent that the blacks are the ones being racist. They usually are and if not enjoy pretending to be a victim of racism. Still yet, here, enjoy the letter I wrote to Mr. Witt. I was even polite and didn't call him "Dim"Witt. Have a great day, black racists.
I'm a white man in Paris, TX. I just read your March 26 article on my town. I'm wondering if your shoulder hurts from patting yourself on the back for reporting on something you really know nothing about. Your story sounds good/alarming to anyone who knows nothing. At first when I heard about the story I wanted to be upset about the unfairness. Then rational set in; don't judge unless you know all of the facts. Now I have witnessed a few things first-hand about media-spin and it's pretty disgusting.
I'm not going to drone on about things that's probably already been said in dozens of previous e-'s. However; I do wish to point out something to you. It's the Jesse Jackson's and Al Sharpton's of the world, as well as their extensions, such as yourself, that keep the dirty racist ideas and victim hood pledging alive. People like you piss people like me off and I'll calmly explain why.
My elder daughter is in Jr. High. She knows what the KKK is. She knows what evil racism can bring. She's watched shows like Mississippi Burning and was horrified by how people behaved. Rightly so. She had never heard of Black Panthers. For some weird reason it never really dawned on me to point out that black folk (and Latins) also had/have groups that were just as mean and violent as the KKK. (even during the scene when Forrest Gump met the Black Panthers) Now we have the New Black Panthers marching in our streets crying that our city is full of violent racism and changes have got to be made. The next day kids of all races were scared and threatening not to come to school for fear the Panthers and KKK were going to meet up, fight, and burn the school down around the them.
Now, our kids get a whole new lesson on racism and the idiocy it brings and the ignorance of these people who blatantly choose to either not educate themselves on or ignore the facts.
I ate lunch with her the next day. I talked with her and her friends (even the black ones.) I assured them there was nothing to be afraid of. Afterward, my daughter went off to play games with some black girls.
There is probably a touch of racism of sorts in nearly everyone everywhere. Most normal people don't make a big deal of it cause it just aint worth the hassle. An opinion doesn't necessarily need affect people's everyday lives. Groups like the NAACP and Panthers make it sound like nearly all of us hear are wanting a Jasper, TX style dragging. It's sick. The ire your story has created has painted an unbalanced picture of our town. You owe Paris, TX an apology, Mr. Witt. I hope your happy with your handiwork. Thanks for nothing. Have a nice day.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Re: Post by Jay:

If I've ever heard a i'm not a racist becasue I have black friends-in this case it's my daughter has black friends-this is it.

The level of denial going on with these white Paris folks is deplorable. but this is normal with white people when they feel they are under attack so I'm not in the least surprised. What is laughable is Jay comparing the Black Panthers to the KKK (and using a work of fiction, namely Forrest Gump) to do say. When you can tell me how many people the Black Panthers have lynched then we can talk.

Thank God for Mr. Witt.
Anonymous saidā€¦
This is crazy.
This story disgusts me. I am a native of Tx, Dallas Tx, and I must say that there is no reason that a young girl should go through something like this.

A white girl of the same age sentenced to PROBATION after burning the family's HOUSE DOWN!... probation? and then compare that to a BLACK girl sentenced to PRISON for (up big deal...) seven years for shoving a hall monitor... WOW. disgusting. There is obviously something going on.

Everyone needs to keep this in mind while stating there opnions. I believe this young girl should be freed, it is not fair that she will have to go through the rest of her life, living knowing that the odds were once sooo much against her. I feel like it was an attempt to destroy our black youth, and maybe my feeling are a bit extreme but can you blame me???

Children are our future. We should guide them. There are young at heart and mind. This was a very cruel punishement for a CHILD. A CHILD. I hope that hall-monitor can't sleep at night. AND I HOPE, that judge learns his lesson.

This is a prime example of unfairness.
Anonymous saidā€¦
hahaha The header says "Shakwanda needs you..." That's BS. She doesn't need me, you, or anyone else. What that girls needs is her butt spanked and to learn how to behave. Her momma must be doing a bad job. She oughta learn to respect authority/adults even if ya don't like what they have to say, they are still the one's in charge. That's how its always been.
Anonymous saidā€¦
you notice how the white apologists never touch on the fact that:

"In Texas, a white teenager burns down her family's home and receives probation,"

nuff said.
Anonymous saidā€¦
In regards to a reply to my post:

" Re: Post by Jay:

...(and using a work of fiction, namely Forrest Gump) ... When you can tell me how many people the Black Panthers have lynched then we can talk."

Firstly, Forrest Gump was not used as an example for anything. For you to read that into your thought process is what is laughable. The point to that was, the BP's were featured in a scene. At times, when something out of the ordinary is shown, in effort to help educate my kids, I will pause the movie and briefly explain a certain surrounding circumstance so they will better understand why their involvement is important to the program. You didn't seem to have a prob with me explaining bad old white guy doing violence to poor decent black guy on Mississippi Burning. So it seems best for you not to even try to use that line as a talking point.
Black Panthers and violence? First, I never said Black Panthers "lynched" anyone. I said they were mean and violent. I'll be happy to oblige you tho. Now, let's talk.

The entire reason for the founding of Black Panthers was to be a violent organization because they believed King's position of peace was failing. The Black Panther Party is described by the listed above City-Journal writer as "psychopathic criminals, not social reformers.....So much so that no one but a left wing crank could still believe in the Panther myth of dedicated young blacks ā€œserving the peopleā€ while heroically defending themselves against unprovoked attacks by the racist police....What Cotter (NY Times) cannot own up to is that the Panthers self-destructed because of the murderous violence and larceny they imposed on their own community." My guess is because they got mad that other blacks didn't support them. We have that problem here in Paris pretty severely. From what I've been told by people in the know that I trust, just go ask Leon at Maxy Funeral Home (black) how he feels about black people using another local funeral home. They turn the black community against that family quick, fast, and in a hurry for forgetting where they come from or some crap like that.
From Gibbs Magazine: "There were also incidents of violence, which occurred between BPP members and suspected informants and other revolutionary groups."
No consider how pretty things are going to be when the Panthers and Spanish gangs like La Raza or MS-13 start fighting.
You really should get your facts together before talking. Now go read a Harlequin Romance and have a nice day.
Paris David saidā€¦
Lord help us all...

At least these comments are getting a good, healthy dialogue going about race relations.

Thank you all, and let's continue to keep it civil.

Like my grandmother "GranRuby" always said: "His will gon' be done..."

Anyhoo, here's an email I just received from a CBS producer linking to video of the protest rally for Shaquanda Cotton:

Hello, Iā€™m writing from KTVT, the CBS station in Dallas / Fort Worth.

I saw your coverage of the Shaquanda Cotton story recently, and I thought you might be interested in the latest developments in it.

Yesterday there was a protest in Paris, Texas, and we were there for it. The link below is to the video of our story. Feel free to link to it if youā€™d like.


Thanks for your time.


Kent Chapline

Executive Producer
Anonymous saidā€¦
You people are not getting the picture here. Let me explain it to you. The reason the "white" girl got probation was because she agreed to accept a plea bargain, her parents agreed and she admitted that she had committed a crime. That is why she received probation. Shaquanda was offered a plea bargain - one that would drop the degree to a misdemeanor- and she and her mother refused. So Shaquanda was convicted of a FELONY. She was convicted by a culturally diverse jury. Since she and her mother refused probation, our judge had no other choice. Those are the facts and race did not play a role, no matter how much the protesters, Witt and the media try to make it. As far as the person responding to what Jay said about I'm not racist because I have black didn't read what he said or you didn't understand it. He said that everyone has some form of prejudice. That is true.....everyone has some degree of prejudice in them. If you say you don't then you are not self aware. And for those who are self aware and acknowledge that they are prejudice, it's how you deal with it. The New Black Panther Party is a violent organization. The KKK is a violent organization. There is no need for either of these two groups to be in Paris. But, if the New Black Panther Party feel that they need to be here, then why is it not okay for the KKK to be here? I don't agree with either of these 2 organizations, I don't support them. At the rally yesterday, the protesters were calling out "Black Power". Now if a white person had called out "White Power" all hell would have broken loose. Isn't that backwards?
Anonymous saidā€¦
It is amazing how all of these people who are crying racism forget to tell people that this girl had 18 previous infractions at school. This is the type of person who will grow up to be a hard criminal. The judge did the right thing.
Anonymous saidā€¦
First George Bush made me ashamed to be American now he makes me ashamed to be white. You should immerdiatly recieve a full pardon. I'm sure that hall monitor provoked you with some racial slur. She's the one who should be rotting in jail, not you. I'll be sure to write about your case in my collum "A Little Bird Told Me" in the Orange County Register tomorow. I will urge a boycott of Texas until you are a free woman once again.


Margret Gray
Anonymous saidā€¦
Notice how the white apologists from Paris refer to us as "you people." Typical.

As someone mentioned earlier, thank GOD for Mr. Witt. There are some decent white people left in the world, they just don't live in Paris, Texas.
Anonymous saidā€¦
There are many of "us people" that are decent and white in Paris, thank you very much. "You people" normally refers to "you people who do not live here."
Margaret, if you write a column about Paris, I do hope your spelling and grammar is better than that of a blog.
What I really want to know is, what in God's name do you think George Bush has to do with this?
Anonymous saidā€¦
I'm sorry for the errors, but this topic has just nearly put me into a blind rage. George Bush is the President of the United States, and as such should have already pardoned this girl due to the miscarrige of justice. Except George Bush hates black people and if he were still the govenor of Texas, poor Shaquanda would have already been executed.
Anonymous saidā€¦
HAHAHAHAHAHA @ margaret. the sad part is that what you're saying is not far from the truth.

yeah this sentence is pretty messed up and how ANYONE can even begin to justify it is really beyond me. says a lot about the good citizens of Paris, Texas doesn't it? but then again they are only concerned with the reputation of their town than the fact that a miscarraige of justice was carried out there.
Anonymous saidā€¦
This is in response to Margret and Mary Jo. There has been no miscarriage of justice here in Paris and this child does not need to be pardoned. She had the opportunity to take a plea bargain and receive probation. SHE AND HER MOTHER CHOSE NOT TO TAKE IT. They wanted a trial, which they got. The jury was culturally diverse, meaning there was at least one black person. They convicted her. What other option did the judge have if the family stated that they would not accept probation and that they would not follow the terms of probation? Shaquanda doesn't think she did anything wrong. She assaulted this teacher without provacation. She was continuously in trouble at school. As far as Paris being concerned about it's are right. We don't want IGNORANCE to prevail here and make Paris out to be something that it's not. If you are into statistics.........more white people are convicted here than any other race. Think about that. I get so frustrated by ignorance and comments made by those who don't know the full story. And I do know the full story.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I wish I knew the full story. But I am very close to people who ... let me put it this way, I know who our congressman called wanting to know what this was all about. If Ralph Hall is calling this person, they are obviously trusted by people in D.C. From their response, (yes, they know Judge Superville too) this is apparently an overreaction to a half-understanding. More like a liberal spin based on half-truths. You know, much like Fahrenheit 9/11. And in a much broader scope, willing ignorance of people to understand that Shaquanda is a troublemaker who got into trouble.

Moving on, Margaret, you didn't give a good answer why Pres. Bush should pardon her? I can give you good reasons why he should not.

1) No president is going to pardon a child convicted of assaulting a teacher (especially when his wife is an educator)
2) He simply can't. The president is not permitted to become involved in state criminal matters unless they (or the state) violate federal statute, which the FBI would have to have evidence of first. Otherwise, it's up to the governor. 3) Even if Pres. Bush asked Perry to pardon her, Bush can't make him do it.
4) Pres. Bush has much bigger things to worry about than people being pissed off (obviously.)
5) And this is a very important one, Shaquanda has to go through a legal process requesting a pardon. If she goes straight for a presidential pardon is a state matter, the first thing that will happen is she'll get a rejection telling her to take it up with the TX Board of Pardons and Paroles.
Anonymous saidā€¦
you actually think.... no, surly you're not really that stupid, to think that "Bush hates blacks" and would have executed her by now? That's just beyond belief for anyone to actually say. That's a total lie. We patiently wait about 20 years before executing those who deserve it. We're certainly not going to rush into axing someone just for shoving. Get a grip, and not on your pen. Put that down. You don't need to be writing.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Hello Everyone. My name is Angel and I currently live in Atlanta, GA. I AM A BLACK FEMALE (just for the record)studying criminal justice in college. I am not a resident of TX anymore but I am a native of Houston, and yes I have been to Paris, TX, and No it is NOT full of racist white people. They are actually really friendly.

I will admit that when i began to read this article on facebook, i was enraged. But as i did more and more research, i began to believe that this young lady brought this upon herself. It was not anyone elses fault that she received this sentence. Even if the hall monitor refused her the privilege of going through ANY doors to get her medicine, all she had to do was tell an administrator and Im pretty sure she wouldve gotten it handled in the correct manner. And if she couldnt get an administrator, she shouldve called her MAMA! That is what they are for. A child stays in a child's place. "No good ever comes from wrong doing"- that is what my mother told me. Yes, she may have A.D.D. but that does not give her the excuse of pushing anyone because im pretty sure if someone was to push her she'd be furious.

NOW....As far as the sentence goes, if Im not mistaken, the sentence is "up to 7 years" which means she could get out sooner than 7 years if she agrees to do parole. All they had to do was get someone to supervise her and then take the parole. If you dont want to do something, you'd do anything in your will power to avoid it right? Well, she should've just apologized and did the probation. That is ridiculous! And just because you do not have a criminal record does not NOT make you a menace to society. If John Smith were white, shoved a 21-year old hall monitor, had a history of ill mannerism at school, and refused probation, I'm more than positive that the judge would've given John Smith the same sentence that he gave 14 year old, black, female, Ms. Cotton. This racism card is so dumb! Yes, racism still is in effect today but it does not apply to all situations. And as far as the 14-yr old white girl burning down the house, yes it was a much harsher crime, but you all have to understand that she ACCEPTED the fact that she was wrong, told the full truth, and ACCEPTED the probation. She did not want to go to jail, so she chose probation. Im pretty sure that she didnt have anyone to watch her during the day while she was on probation either, but she wasnt "slow" enough not to take it. Like i said before, if you want something or dont want to do someting, you'd find ways to avoid having to do it or find ways to do it! The choice is up to you. All that girl probably did was found someone to call her house every hour to check on her and that's probably it! Although she may not be supervised 25/8, I bet she's not sitting up in jail having people create blogs and websites to get her out! And im pretty sure this was the FIRST time she's (the young lady to burned down the house)done something like this, Unlike Ms. Cotton. She's repeated this behavior many times and she hasnt been punished for it. I bet she wont do this again!

And about the Bush issue....I have to disagree about Bush not liking black people. Bush does like black people (Codoleeza Rice), Bush doesnt like POOR people (Middle and/or lower class white,black, Latin, Asain, Indian, Native American, Orange, Green, or blue people). Get your facts right before you jump to conclusions people. Thank you for your time!
Anonymous saidā€¦
Wow Angel.... pretty well spoken.
Thanks for not seeing us here in Paris as a "racist town." I do know we have had, and at times still do have, racial probs, but I can guarantee you this, the times that we do have probs it's people against people (usually dumb teens trying to prove who's th baddest) and the city government is having to play referee.
...As for what you say about Bush, I hadn't really thought about it like that. I'm a poor white boy that voted for him... twice. I thought he'd like me even tho I can't afford the gas to go have dinner with his dog. *sighs* Ah well.
... Adding to what Willie was saying about the requesting pardon thing, yeah, that's kinda like how New Orleans didn't get federal aid until too late because the governor has to ASK for federal aid. She didn't until too late because she and mayor Nagin kept up pretense saying, "Naw, I got it." Shaquanda can't even get a pardon from Governor Perry without asking him for it.
... Even then, she still has to qualify. I know, I looked at the requirements for requesting a pardon recently. Lotsa time and work to it.
...Aiight, I'm dun.
Anonymous saidā€¦
i see the good folks @ Fox News have recruited another self-hating negro for their cause. the only thing worse than a white racist is a self-hating negro. and yes I'm referring to you Angel. you notice how you're being applauded as well-spoken becasue you are a black person that sides with white racists.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Wow, self hating...are you serious? So your telling me that everyone that doesn't believe as you do is wrong and therefore self hating if they're black or a racist if they're white.
Paris David saidā€¦

Excerpted from today's article:

"Let her out of TYC," said Allan Hubbard, spokesman for Lamar County District Atty. Gary Young. "Hell, she's done a year for pushing a teacher. That's too long."

Hubbard also backed away from claims he and Young made earlier this week in numerous media interviews that the judge in the case, Lamar County Judge Chuck Supeville, had had no choice but to send the youth to prison because her mother had testified that she would not cooperate with probation officials had the judge sentenced her to probation.

On Thursday, Young's official Web site contained this assertion: "This juvenile's mother (Creola Cotton) told the judge she would not comply with conditions of probation."

But a review of the full court transcript shows no such testimony. In fact, Creola Cotton repeatedly answered "yes" when asked in court whether she would comply with any conditions of probation that the judge might impose.

Today, after an inquiry about this discrepancy by the Tribune, the district attorney's Web site was altered to read: "Through her actions of non-cooperation, Ms. Cotton told the judge she would not comply with conditions of probation."

Read the latest article about Shaquanda Cotton's release here...

Again I ask: What is truth?

May God bless all those involved. He alone is a righteous Judge...
Anonymous saidā€¦
Unknown saidā€¦

Power to the people. Shaquanda is free!

Anonymous saidā€¦
Well in response to the kind individual who tagged me as a self-hating negro, i would like to say that my opinion, is MY opinion. All because YOU dont agree with the way I think, you LABEL me. If I would not have said that I was black, you wouldve labeled me a white racist. And because I said I AM black, im self-hating??? Who are you to judge me??? I cant be either because my mother is white and my father is black, so you do the math ANONYMOUS! Dont call ME out, place the mirror infront of yourself and check yourself out before you judge. On that note, like I said before, Ms. Cotton needs to be punished! Riddle me this, if your mother was pushed down some stairs by an unruly black teenager and injured, and was given 2 hours of community service, wouldnt you be enraged? Especially if this teen has a history of being unruly. RACE does NOT matter. Its the simple fact that he/she hurt a loved one and you want them to be punished. It does not matter if they were ORANGE, they hurt your mama and they only got 2 hours pickin up trash from off of I-10. CLEARLY time out does not work for Ms. Cotton, so what do YOU suggest ANONYMOUS?????? Why dont you tell me so I can go to FOX NEWS and give them your opinion! I have my opinions and you have yours...respect that.

Now...another thing Im concerned about is the fact that everyone is on here tryin to FREE Shaquanda like she does not need to be punished. And folks keep bringing God into this like HE didnt allow this to happen. Everything happens for a reason and for a season. It just so happens that Shaquanda's reason is for being unruly and getting caught, and her season is for up to 7 years. God only allows things to happen to people that He knows that person can bear. I promise you that if Shaquanda couldnt bear her punishment that God wouldnt've allowed it to happen. God is NOT the author of confusion but Satan is, and Satan has to go to God for permission first before he can try anything with us. He is using this issue to try and stir up confusion and allow people to throw the RACISM card all willy nilly and turn people against eachother (Hint Hint.....Anonymous). Like I said, if she wouldve just stayed in her place and looked to an adult to handle this properly, she would not be in this mess in the first place. She had a choice, she just chose the wrong one! Now she has to suffer the consequences!

J'ai fini! Avoir un grand jour tout le monde!
Anonymous saidā€¦
angel-i kind of figured thatyou were mixed. mixed people usually have the mindset that you have, they tend to side with their white side and shun their black side. so yup i was right, you are self-hating.

the woman wadn't pushed down some stairs for one thing. so you are basically justifying imprisoning someone foe 7 years when molesters and rapists don't get that kind of time. but then asi said, she's black so i don't even know why i''m asking you. if this were a white person you would have a different point of view.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I would just like to say that long ass "Angel" comment was made by a white person. She isn't some sista from Atlanta GA. She would have to be a dumb braindead "N word" to think this sentence of 7 years is remotely fair. A man molested a russian girl for five years and got probation. And to people comparing the Black Panthers to the KKK lets just say thats like a woman defending herself from a would be rapist being compared to the rapist. ITS CALLED SELFDEFENCE!!!!!!!! KKK WAS ESTABLISHED LONG BEFORE THE PANTHER PARTY. OF COURSE THE PEOPLE WERE FED UP AND WANTED TO FIGHT BACK IDIOTS. Lets face it WHITES SHOULD GO BACK TO EUROPE NUBIANS SHOULD GO BACK TO AFRICA AND THE NATIVES SHOULD GET THIS ROCK BACK WE ALL STAY AWAY FROM EACH OTHER THIS IS THE ONLY WAY IT WILL WORK.
Anonymous saidā€¦
I just wanted to say that America as a whole is ignorant. Today's society is just the same as yesterday's past, the only difference is that racism and prejudice is more hidden then upfront. In regards to the Cotton case. I belief that learning starts in the home and that maybe the childs upbringing was not all that grand, but to give her a sentence of seven years, there has to be some kind of prejudice behind that. Just like caucasion or white American kids, african american kids act out as a cry for help. And just like them we can be reformed. I do belief though that equal justice should be given. Despite the fact that a white girl burned down her parents home, and recieved probation, to white america she has no problems and can still be taught to obey. How do I know, cause i have been there and done that. If i did not have the religious upbringing that was taught to me as a child i to probably would have had some kind of attitude. But I do not belief that the punishment in this case fitted the crime. As to the response about Bush, do not be ingnorant when it comes to politics. Angel you being a student practicing law, sound very rediculous. Bush cares about noone but himself. He do not give a shit about african americans. baby it is survival of the fitess in this world. And in the world of politics the idea is to keep every other person on the bottom so that they can maintain on top. Yeah so what he hired rice. Its politics, it makes him look creditble to individuals such as yourself.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Well, I just learned something yesterday, that made my entire easter better. Shaquanda is free. She was released Saturday, the end of March I believe. For the black people who spoke up, and spoke out. THIS IS what we need. To defend ourselves...not wait for some permed out, fast talking , kids on the side having "leaders" to bail us out of trouble. As long as we are outraged, let it be for the right reasons. Shaquanda's plight is a lesson for all of us. They locked her away, and were probably hoping it would stay under the radar. When it didn't, they were counting on us not being unified enough to speak out. We still have power. Use it well.

btw....those of you who have negative views of the Black Panther Party should probably read up on them, and what they stood for. I'm not referring to these "New Black Panthers", but the original orginization, which was so hated because of what they were trying to do to better, and protect black people. So feared that the CIA and FBI were tasked with destroying them from the inside. The Black Panther Party only tried to help black folks, any who says otherwise needs to be deported to Mexico without papers.
Anonymous saidā€¦
Updates on Shaquanda Cotton?s Case. New this week (July 9, 2007) interview with Cotton?s Mother Creola Cotton, Brenda Cherry and more. Plus updates on Ginarlow Wilson case (GA). or find archive at

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