by Paula Neal Mooney
Ask. Believe. Receive.
Those are the three basic tenets of The Secret, a new DVD and hardcover book by Rhonda Byrne that's sweeping the world.
I caught Rhonda Byrne and clips of The Secret movie on Oprah yesterday, and couldn't stop watching the panel of New Agey-sounding experts talk about The Secret using hokey terms like "universe" and "energy" and "presence" instead of what this Christian girl calls "Jehovah Jireh" and the "Holy Spirit" and "God Almighty."
Only one of the panelists, Lisa Nichols (the black woman pictured here), broke down and said she got on her knees and cried out to God to help her change.
But I believe some of the other panelists and The Secret teachers are Christians -- not sure about Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith and James Arthur Ray -- but Jack Canfield created those Chicken Soup books.
However, the "universal truths" they discussed from The Secret movie on the surface seem to line up with what I've learned from the Bible and Scripture study.
Just off the top of my head, here are some of the secrets from The Secret that kept me till 'round midnight:
The Secret DVD Spoiler #1 - What you focus on will grow larger: Focus on negative or harmful thoughts, and that's what you'll get. LL Cool J recently said that our thoughts are like previews or coming attractions of life.
Focus on yourself as a healthy, fit woman on The Oprah Show selling a million copies of her book (okay, that's my vision) and that's what I'll get -- only if the real Lord of Hosts (my God, you are so funny) is willing.
The Secret DVD Spoiler #2 - Speak positively. This is my pet peeve about people. They may think me a Pollyanna purebred, but saying stuff like "I'll never get ahead" causes you to get just that.
The Secret DVD Spoiler #3 - Write the vision! (Just like Habakkuk 2:1 - 4 says) Lisa Nichols showed her collage of pics of intentions (she seemed kinda embarrassed that Jamie Foxx was on her collage) but focused on the center declaration, that "Lisa Nichols tells all on The Oprah Winfrey Show." Mission accomplished.
Treat yourself better than anyone else does, Lisa said. You show the world how to treat you. I loved this. Lisa said she had "a whole lotta sex looking for a little bit of love." Boy could I relate to that demonic falsehood. Thank the Revealer for Revelation!
The Secret DVD Spoiler #4 - Back it up with action. Don't just sit around wishing stuff would change, but put "feet to your faith," as we Christians like to say.
The Secret DVD Spoiler #5 - Be grateful. Even for the bad stuff. Be thankful for what you already have, The Secret teachers said, so that you'll make room for more good stuff.
Don't complain and gripe about your old leaky house; be thankful you've got a roof over your head. It may sound crazy but bless God even for the bad stuff that's happened.
So true. I was just telling my friend yesterday that I thank the Lord for folks who've rejected me -- they only served to help move me on to higher heights and my true potential in life.
The Secret DVD Spoiler #6 - Be a servant. I like this. Don't always think about what you can get...think about what you can give.
Do one thing every day toward your goal -- building that blog, that ministry, that sewing business, whatever -- and watch "the universe" -- hope you catch my sarcasm -- Jesus said don't be ashamed to call His Name or else He'll be ashamed of us -- scary -- watch ALMIGHTY, POWERFUL, ALL-KNOWING, ALL-SEEING EL SHADDAI get behind you and work it out.
Check out the official website of The Secret here, with its beautiful and mysterious imagery.
Watch a trailer of The Secret now and you'll see what I mean.
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Ask. Believe. Receive.
Those are the three basic tenets of The Secret, a new DVD and hardcover book by Rhonda Byrne that's sweeping the world.
I caught Rhonda Byrne and clips of The Secret movie on Oprah yesterday, and couldn't stop watching the panel of New Agey-sounding experts talk about The Secret using hokey terms like "universe" and "energy" and "presence" instead of what this Christian girl calls "Jehovah Jireh" and the "Holy Spirit" and "God Almighty."
Only one of the panelists, Lisa Nichols (the black woman pictured here), broke down and said she got on her knees and cried out to God to help her change.
But I believe some of the other panelists and The Secret teachers are Christians -- not sure about Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith and James Arthur Ray -- but Jack Canfield created those Chicken Soup books.
However, the "universal truths" they discussed from The Secret movie on the surface seem to line up with what I've learned from the Bible and Scripture study.
Just off the top of my head, here are some of the secrets from The Secret that kept me till 'round midnight:
The Secret DVD Spoiler #1 - What you focus on will grow larger: Focus on negative or harmful thoughts, and that's what you'll get. LL Cool J recently said that our thoughts are like previews or coming attractions of life.
Focus on yourself as a healthy, fit woman on The Oprah Show selling a million copies of her book (okay, that's my vision) and that's what I'll get -- only if the real Lord of Hosts (my God, you are so funny) is willing.
The Secret DVD Spoiler #2 - Speak positively. This is my pet peeve about people. They may think me a Pollyanna purebred, but saying stuff like "I'll never get ahead" causes you to get just that.
The Secret DVD Spoiler #3 - Write the vision! (Just like Habakkuk 2:1 - 4 says) Lisa Nichols showed her collage of pics of intentions (she seemed kinda embarrassed that Jamie Foxx was on her collage) but focused on the center declaration, that "Lisa Nichols tells all on The Oprah Winfrey Show." Mission accomplished.
Treat yourself better than anyone else does, Lisa said. You show the world how to treat you. I loved this. Lisa said she had "a whole lotta sex looking for a little bit of love." Boy could I relate to that demonic falsehood. Thank the Revealer for Revelation!
The Secret DVD Spoiler #4 - Back it up with action. Don't just sit around wishing stuff would change, but put "feet to your faith," as we Christians like to say.
The Secret DVD Spoiler #5 - Be grateful. Even for the bad stuff. Be thankful for what you already have, The Secret teachers said, so that you'll make room for more good stuff.
Don't complain and gripe about your old leaky house; be thankful you've got a roof over your head. It may sound crazy but bless God even for the bad stuff that's happened.
So true. I was just telling my friend yesterday that I thank the Lord for folks who've rejected me -- they only served to help move me on to higher heights and my true potential in life.
The Secret DVD Spoiler #6 - Be a servant. I like this. Don't always think about what you can get...think about what you can give.
Do one thing every day toward your goal -- building that blog, that ministry, that sewing business, whatever -- and watch "the universe" -- hope you catch my sarcasm -- Jesus said don't be ashamed to call His Name or else He'll be ashamed of us -- scary -- watch ALMIGHTY, POWERFUL, ALL-KNOWING, ALL-SEEING EL SHADDAI get behind you and work it out.
Check out the official website of The Secret here, with its beautiful and mysterious imagery.
Watch a trailer of The Secret now and you'll see what I mean.
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Tags: what ,is ,the ,secret ,book ,movie ,preview ,trailer ,Christian ,Lisa ,Nichols ,Oprah ,DVD ,
official ,website
I'm getting the DVD. Was a great idea to put something like this on the O show.
And Melanie...your words inspired me and made me smile!
Peace out,
And I second melanie! :-D
So, I’m going to watch more and read more and I’ll report back on whether I have joined the ranks of those who are changed.
Oh, I hear that Oprah is taping another Secret show this week and that it will air on Friday . . .
Also, just as a side note - I don’t think any of this will “work” if you just sit on your "visions" and don’t take action. The law of attraction + action toward what you want = success. Apparently this book and DVD are pushing lots of folks to think positive about what they want and to take the action to get it. If it works . . .
I work with a non-profit organization Blog The Bible, where we discuss all the things which can make you happy & also relate to Jesus & Bible at the same time. I think if The Secret can generate the same happiness within all of us then there is no harm in believing the Law of Attraction.
We all have experienced it, whenever we feel good & happy we think of god, we think of Jesus, we think of Bible. So I would say that no matter what everybody thinks but this DVD has surely brought me close Jesus, Bible & at last Happiness.
Sydney Jones
I thought you and your readers would be interested to know that the Law of Attraction and the teachers of “The
Secret” are on TV again! One of the teachers of “The Secret,” James Arthur Ray, will be interviewed on Larry
King Live tonight, March 8, 2007. To get the showtimes for your area, or to get free transcripts of previous Larry
King Live interviews of the teachers of “The Secret,” you can go to
This is the THIRD show that Larry King has done with the teachers of “The Secret.” The reason he continues to
give the teachers of “The Secret” international TV airtime is because of AUDIENCE FEEDBACK. So, watch the
show, and send an e-mail afterwards telling him that WE WANT MORE!
Did you know "The Secret" was inspired and based on a book by Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich. In fact, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, and Michael Beckwith have launched the Science of Getting Rich Seminar. The SGR program is a home study course that will teach you how to apply the secret and law of attraction!
Did you know "The Secret" was inspired and based on a book by Wallace Wattles, The Science of Getting Rich. In fact, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, and Michael Beckwith have launched the Science of Getting Rich Seminar. The SGR program is a home study course that will teach you how to apply the secret and law of attraction!