by Paula Neal Mooney
While some folks slave away today at their day jobs, sneaking breaks to check out the latest Paris Hilton video gone viral, the rest of the net is all abuzz with folks quietly preparing to make a financial killing off the Day Job Killer, a new ebook launched yesterday by Chris McNeeney.
Day Job Killer this, Day Job Killer that, I keep reading. What the heck is this Day Job Killer?
Though I can't find nary a pic of Chris McNeeney on Google or Yahoo, turns out his prior ebooks Adwords Miracles and Affiliate Project X moved some serious copies, breaking all kinds of records.
Just Google Chris McNeeney and Day Job Killer and you'll see what I mean. If the Day Job Killer author were some fly-by-night guy with no results, he wouldn't get this much print.
This is the perfect time for me to buy the Day Job Killer -- I'm set to purchase a Google AdWords campaign for my dad's tax blog and I need the info that purports to help people make $100 from a $10 AdWords campaign, as well as over $100k per year.
I know the Lord led me to the Day Job Killer for a reason, always telling me like he told Abraham, "I will bless you and make you a blessing."
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Tags: day ,job ,killer ,chris ,mcneeney ,affiliate ,clickbank ,hoplink
While some folks slave away today at their day jobs, sneaking breaks to check out the latest Paris Hilton video gone viral, the rest of the net is all abuzz with folks quietly preparing to make a financial killing off the Day Job Killer, a new ebook launched yesterday by Chris McNeeney.
Day Job Killer this, Day Job Killer that, I keep reading. What the heck is this Day Job Killer?
Though I can't find nary a pic of Chris McNeeney on Google or Yahoo, turns out his prior ebooks Adwords Miracles and Affiliate Project X moved some serious copies, breaking all kinds of records.
Just Google Chris McNeeney and Day Job Killer and you'll see what I mean. If the Day Job Killer author were some fly-by-night guy with no results, he wouldn't get this much print.
This is the perfect time for me to buy the Day Job Killer -- I'm set to purchase a Google AdWords campaign for my dad's tax blog and I need the info that purports to help people make $100 from a $10 AdWords campaign, as well as over $100k per year.
I know the Lord led me to the Day Job Killer for a reason, always telling me like he told Abraham, "I will bless you and make you a blessing."
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Tags: day ,job ,killer ,chris ,mcneeney ,affiliate ,clickbank ,hoplink
As soon as I do, I'll come back and update what I think of it.
Stay tuned...
I just found this thread from a woman who has experience with Chris McNeeney, and though she made money initially from one of his programs, she says he kinda outbid his own affiliates.
And then I found this post called I Did Not Buy Day Job Killer from some guy.
I wish I could just get an excerpt and try one technique before I bought it. I don't know...follow at your own discretion...
I've read that Day Job Killer has sold 8,000 copies or more in the first week!
That means Chris has grossed at least $616,000!
And I see some positive posts out there.
Anyhoo, here's Chris promo video:
That's close to $700,000 in seven days!
So maybe people are really getting something out of it.
Of course, me..I'm trying to find out as much as I can for free right now!