Tammy Skinner Shoots Herself in the Stomach, Kills Full-term Baby Girl and Gets Acquitted
I don't even feel anger over today's acquittal of Tammy Skinner, a poor black mother of two who shot herself in the stomach on the morning she was due to give birth to her third child.
All I feel is sinking sadness.
I can't help but wonder what this says about our nation, when a full-term baby can suffer an horrific death like this and have the murder case dismissed. I also wonder how this rock-bottom event will turn the tide against our "abortion culture" on Nov. 7...
Read the sad story here...
Tags: pregnant,woman,shot,herself,stomach,dismissed,acquitted,tammy ,skinner, tammyskinner,shotbaby,fetus,killed,child, judge,westbrookparker,circuit, court,dismissed,acquitted,Westbrook Parker,Circuit Court JudgeWestbrookParker, Judge Westbrook Parker, Judge Parker, grand jury,grandjury,unborn,abortion ,gun,murder,girl,poor
I don't even feel anger over today's acquittal of Tammy Skinner, a poor black mother of two who shot herself in the stomach on the morning she was due to give birth to her third child.
All I feel is sinking sadness.
I can't help but wonder what this says about our nation, when a full-term baby can suffer an horrific death like this and have the murder case dismissed. I also wonder how this rock-bottom event will turn the tide against our "abortion culture" on Nov. 7...
Read the sad story here...
Tags: pregnant,woman,shot,herself,stomach,dismissed,acquitted,tammy ,skinner, tammyskinner,shotbaby,fetus,killed,child, judge,westbrookparker,circuit, court,dismissed,acquitted,Westbrook Parker,Circuit Court JudgeWestbrookParker, Judge Westbrook Parker, Judge Parker, grand jury,grandjury,unborn,abortion ,gun,murder,girl,poor