I guess it's time to set the old microwave clocks, oven clocks, clock radios in the bedroom and everything else that doesn't roam or automatically reset itself back this weekend due to daylight-savings time starting earlier than it will in years to come thanks to a law passed last year.
According to an AP report, "it's the last time this will happen in October."
Daylight-saving time will end later "beginning in 2007," says the article, "lasting from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November."
It cautions drivers to be extra careful driving in the dark on Halloween to avoid children.
The official change occurs at 2 a.m. Sunday, though most folks will make the change before going to bed Saturday night.
Areas that don't observe daylight-saving time? Arizona, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Marianas.
Daylight-saving time will come back like a lamb on March 11 2007.