What it really takes to get blog traffic and increased Amazon Associates earnings? One word: backlinks
I am learning so much from writing and researching this 50 Over $50K website it is seriously changing my paradigm about the online world. (Still figuring out how to actually send those Aweber email updates to the folks who've subscribed, so expect your update soon if you've signed up for the free email updates.) But one common thread I've read from guys like Terry Zulit, who sells the auto-blog system , and Pat Flynn, who was a laid-off architect now pulling down around $200k each year from online endeavors, is that backlinks matter. It's the same spiel echoed by Wanda and Paula, two women who wrote The Amazonian Profit Plan ebook (stayed tuned for their profile on 50over50k.com) and claim to have made some big-time earnings via their method of promoting Amazon.com products. It's not about merely writing a good post and hoping they will come read... ...although, mercifully, that has worked for me many times. Some stuff is just mean to go viral. But I...