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Showing posts from September, 2010

Over $35k paid in the first 9 months of 2010 to this writer-blogger for writing online

Over $35k paid in the first 9 months of 2010 to this writer-blogger for writing online Since today is the last day of the month -- and September 30, 2010, brings us the last day of the quarter, it always feels like a good time to stop and count how much monies have flowed into the coffers for the first 9 months of the year. Sounds so pregnant with possibilities, doesn't it? Okay, judging from the numbers below -- it looks like God has sent me the miracle that is to take the lead in writing income earned online thus far. A lot of that 20 grand -- over 6k of it, in fact -- flowed to me in January 2010, which means December 2009 was a booming month for writing because of two words: Tiger Woods. We've got two more words, or three, going on currently -- and anybody who follows my writing over there knows what they are. Praise God, my taxes are paid, I proclaim in His Son's Name. And there are more things in the works, so stay tuned for that news. Other than... writer pay: $736.68 for 102,816 page views in one day writer pay: $736.68 for 102,816 page views in one day I was amazed when I logged onto my Examiner account this morning. When I saw over $736 in one of my channels "Your Usage Earnings" field -- I thought for a second I was looking at the "Current Month" totals. But no, the period was selected as yesterday, only one day. And then I remember the Unmerited Favor of God, and the quick prayer I threw up to Him yesterday. And with all that's going on this week, I'm learning to hopefully get rid of any self-righteous notions that I deserve any of this. Yet I know for sure tithing pays off, and God's Word is true, despite what others say. The Christian TV Examiner channel was #1 in Top Examiners in National and #1 in Top Examiners in Arts & Entertainment yesterday. What I love about being on the new Drupal platform is the way we can now upload just about any video embed code we want under that "other...

Are new writers getting published on

You guys know how much I like writing for -- in the past year I've made around 30k with them and therefore, I've urged lots of other writers, designers, etc. to sign up with them. One of my friends is a very talented designer who runs -IZE ON DESIGN , a site that showcases her fabulous design work. Naturally I thought she'd be a great fit for Examiner. She applied and was accepted as the Cleveland Modern Furniture Examiner at -- but last night I talked to her via Facebook and discovered that her articles haven't appeared since Thursday! I don't know if this is just some specific problem with a few Examiners or many, and she's already sent a support ticket for help and I will update this site with more news as we hear it. But in the meantime, I wanted to know how the other new writers are doing. If you just started writing for around August or Septe...