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Showing posts from January, 2011

Just like starting over...

Okay, so I'm really not starting over, but the lyrics to that song are playing in my mind. I didn't make the cut yet of the 50 semi-finalists on Amazon Studios, so now I'm asking God: What direction should I go? What to do next? Thanks to Him I made $50k in 2010 -- and I have to stop and say wow, seeing as though I used to only make $12k per year from blogging online. My income is increasing. But during 2010, I forgot some of the lessons learned when I took a "How to Get Out of Debt and Into Praise" class at church, wherein I cut up my "fall back" credit card and stopped using it. In 2010 I kinda fell for the "wow you've got such good credit, I rarely see a pre-approved offer for a Chase Business Visa card" line and took the plunge. Months later and $10k more in debt, I'm now researching The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness by Dave Ramsey and figuring out how to be more responsible. I didn't need t...

$50,462.77 total writing income online for 2010 - Thank you Jesus and!

$50,462.77 total writing income online for 2010 - Thank you Jesus and! On New Year's day I took a few hours to go through all my accounts and see who paid me monies into PayPal, Chase, the now defunct National City, etc. and find the grand total of from gross income for 2010. The drum roll total is $50, 462.77 -- with total expenses I've thus far calculated at $2,737.94 paid for stuff like web adverts, video editing software, web hosting and the like. Hopefully I'll find some more expenses to deduct from that gross income total so my tax situation will be even less. I should be a lot happier. After all, 2009 brought in around $44k... ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·ā–·How Much Money Do Bloggers Make Online? 2009 Brought Me $43,932.84 | PAULA NEAL MOONEY And if memory serves, 2008 brought in around $40k. So thank the Lord that my income is rising. I've just been bummed because I feel like I'm taking a good, hard look at myself and how much better I need to get at saving and...