Yesterday I wrote a post called ★★★★ Adwords Not Updating? Adwords Showing No Impressions, No Clicks?★★★★ -- well, it turns out my Adwords account was under review!
I got so depressed last night. Just when I was all excited about implementing all the Adwords techniques I'd just learned in the EXCELLENT book Mastering Search Advertising: How the Top 3% of Search Advertisers Dominate Google AdWords
I awoke Sunday morning to see all zeros in my Adwords account -- and I knew something was up.
By the time I came home from church, it was still all zeros. And no one else seemed to have the Adwords zero impressions problem. At least, the Adwords ads dropping from MANY to zero impressions, that is.
My Adwords Account Was Under Review...
I Googled around for "Adwords drops to no impressions" and "Adwords drops to zero impressions" and learned that other people have experienced the problem of their Adwords account dropping to no impressions when it goes under review.
What depressed was the fact that some people's Adwords account stayed under review for 10 days or more -- and that was just bad news.
But praise and thank my Master for answering prayers!
He helped me remember that my Adwords account went under review shortly after I put up an advertisement leading people to some Colgate Prevident toothpaste (that contains a high concentration of flouride) and I added the search terms that included "Colgate Prevident RX" and "Colgate Prevident Prescription" that people must type into Google, because that's who I got the search term keywords from.
Anyway, after I added that ad, Google Adwords prompted me to put in my "Pharmacy ID #" -- and wouldn't let me add those keywords.
I didn't even realize I was added them, so they didn't add, because I don't have any Pharmacy ID number.
My Adwords Account is No Longer Under Review!
So I had emailed Adwords Support last night and begged God to let them listen -- and railed at Him and cried when watching my DVR'd Pastor RA Vernon recent series about God whupping His own kids, but letting the devil's kids get away with murder.
It was that passage when Asaph said "My foot almost slipped when I saw the prosperity of the wicked."
That was me railing at the Lord: "God, I'm not doing untoward stuff, no torrent sites and such -- why is this happening??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
I thought about giving up blogging...
...and I just wrote down the info about a job here in Akron for someone who is "heavy in Excel."
But then I logged on to see that my impressions in my Adwords account are back, and a prompt email from Google Adwords (who says they're evil?) stating that my account was in fact under review, but now it's back.
After the Holy Spirit reminded me that it was probably the Colgate ad that triggered the review, I deleted that whole ad group last night.
But I know Who resurrected my hope and my Adwords Account this morning.
It was like He wanted me to rest on Sunday and get back some balance in my life -- and not stress out too hard over making the money to pay taxes I owe. But to work hard, trust Him, read up on more of His good book, and to trust, trust, trust...
Adwords Account Back Up, Made an Amazon Sale!
As if to say, "Here beloved girl, I got you..." my Provider enabled me to make a great sale on Amazon.
I just saw Amazon Associates commission for a Samsung PN50A650 50-Inch 1080p Plasma HDTV with RED Touch of Color
And you know, I just realized that I don't know how I made that sale. It was ordered and shipped on Sunday, January 4, 2009 -- the day I stayed away from my PC the most, and the day my Adwords campaigns promoting that product were down.
So the Mighty One is indeed a mystery.
God is so awesome...
Hope restored.
Depression lifted.
Thanking, thanking, thanking Jesus all over again...
I hope the same with mine. My account has been zero-ed for the past couple of days. That happened a couple of times, even when I only added a single keyword.
Kind of frustrating but just I just keep marching on forward now.
God bless!
God bless.
Keep my adwords account in prayer too, I think it is under going a review. Pray hard that it will come back up asap.
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