by Paula Neal Mooney
At about 7:15 this morning a 911 call came in regarding a shooting in West AJ Hall -- a Virginia Tech dorm -- that caused one confirmed fatality.
About 2 hours later, more shooting occurred in Norris Hall, the engineering building at Virginia Tech.
Police have confirmed that the shooter in Norris Hall is this time the authorities are still determining how he died and if he was indeed the lone shooter. However, authorities say the Virginia Tech campus is secured.
The number of fatalities has been reported as at least 22 dead at this time, including the gunman, who has been described by a student as "an Asian kid" who was "unloading rounds" from a handgun.
The shooter was reportedly wearing many clips on his black vest as he fired. Students barricaded themselves inside rooms and fled when they were able.
Watch the video of the Virginia Tech shooting as cops running outside of Norris Hall here as shot after shot rings out.
The event is tragic and has been called chilling, comparable to both Columbine as well as the gunman in the tower shooting on a college campus years ago.
My sincere thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families regarding this tragedy.
These shootings at Virginia Tech are now the deadliest in U.S. history.
I feel very sad for the parents and relatives and friends of all involved in this tragedy.
May God please be with them now mightily...
And, yes, it is good for us to be inclusive of everyone. I wonder whom the shooter had a vendetta against?
So senseless...
Maurizio, I think you can see it better on TV, but in the video I saw a cop with his gun drawn, then he appeared to run closer to Norris Hall as the videographer ran.
Take care all,
I keep reading up a lot on Cho Seung-Hui, too, including how he stalked women and how poet Nikki Giovanni was one of his professors and that she was scared of him.
Cho Seung-Hui sounds like he was really troubled and mean and had such a vendetta against women and rich kids.
I was thinking about this last night, wondering what could've been done by all of us to prevent this.
And I feel so bad for the president of VT -- there's no way he would've wanted any of this to happen.
I'm sure he would have done anything to go back and not have his students harmed.
And I also read a little about Ismail Ax that Cho had scrawled on his arm...
I still don't know what it means really, though...